The suspect, who is accused of murdering his parents in the Cheongdam-dong rich stock, was revealed to be using his mother's cell phone after being murdered for a while and to have a 'smearing operation' for a while.

In addition, the circumstances in which the crime was prepared for nearly a month are being revealed, and attention is focused on what motivated the crime.

Hwaseong, southern Gyeonggi Province, said on July 19 that the suspect, Kim (34), has been identified as one of the victims of the murder of his mother, .

Kim was carrying her mother 's cell phone at the crime scene, and when he received a message from KakaoTalk from Lee' s younger sisters, it was reported that she had exchanged messages with her as if she were a mother.

Mr. Kim's behavior lasted for a few days, and Mr. Lee's brother felt like he was not his mother at some point, and went to his parents' house in anxious minds, but his house password had changed and he could not get in.

So Kim asked his mother what the password changed to KakaoTalk and Kim informed her of the changed password like this.

However, this password was the wrong number and Mr. Lee's sister could not get into his parents' home.

Since then, Mr. Lee's brother has reported his disappearance to the police when his mother did not answer the telephone and even contacted KakaoTalk.

Considering that the police investigation began with Mr. Lee's disappearance, Kim's concealment seems to have had a decisive impact on the police investigation.

A police official said, "Mr. Lee's father's cell phone has also disappeared from the scene and has not been secured yet." He said, "I have to investigate further whether Mr. Kim posed as a victim for exactly a few days."

Kim has been planning to commit the crime for nearly a month.

Mr. Kim was found to have posted an article on the Internet to recruit three accomplices, including Mr. A, who left China on the day of the crime, in the beginning of last month.

He said he was in the process of committing a crime through contact with A and other people after preliminary simulations.

A, etc., had finished all the arrangements in advance and came to the plane to China shortly after the crime.

The fact that Kim and his accomplices have been thoroughly plotted on the plan has been revealed.

Kim said in a statement that "Lee 's father borrowed 20 million won and did not pay for it," Kim said, but Kim' s relationship with the victim was not confirmed.

It is still unclear about Kim's 500 million won loss after he murdered the victims.

Kim said, "I gave it to some of the accomplices and then I wrote it and I wrote it," but it was reported that it did not disclose the exact purpose.

Police are investigating how Kim spent the rest of his money, about 1800 million won out of the 500 million won Kim took during his arrest.

The 500 million won was confirmed to be part of the proceeds from Lee 's brother selling the vehicle on the day of the incident.

A police official said, "It is right to pay for the car, but it can not be revealed in terms of privacy."

Meanwhile, the prosecution filed an arrest warrant for the murder of Kim on the afternoon.

The arrest warrants will be held at 10:30 am on May 20 at the support of Anyang Provincial Government.