
Park Yoochun denied the allegations entirely, but the police are continuing to carry on the investigation that has been done so far. After reviewing the call history of Park Yoochun and the CCTV of suspected places, he will summon Park Yoochun soon.

I continue to be Chung Sung-jin.


Police are concentrating on confirming the fact that Park Hyo - cheon 's "innocence" allegation has been pointed out by Hwang Hana as an accomplice.

Yesterday (9th), I applied for a communications warrant, and it seems to be somewhat specific to the time and place of suspected drug use.

When the warrant is issued, it is analyzed that Park will be able to judge whether there is a drug-related allegation based on when, where, and with whom he spoke.

Police also reported that Hwang plans to take a look at CCTV around a place that he identified as a place for drugs with Park.

We also collect relevant evidence from mobile phones submitted by Mr. Hwang.

The police will call Park to investigate if evidence of Park's alleged drug use is secured.

Police investigating allegations against Hwang are also speeding up investigation.

Police investigated Huang Hana for about 10 hours in connection with the fact that Huang Hana was arrested on charges of supplying drugs in 2015, but was dismissed without investigation.

I also recalled the officials of the Jongno police investigation team today.

According to the investigation team, Hwang was found to have obtained the statement "Granddaughter of Namyang Dairy Chairperson" from the drug-medicines team, and it is known that the fact that he did not investigate Hwang is related to the identity of Hwang .

(Image editing: Soo Ji Hye)