The Catholic Church regretted the Constitutional Court's decision to abstain from constitutional amendments on Oct. 11.

"I am deeply regretful that the Constitutional Court has sent a constitutional complaint to the constitutional amendment requesting that the abortion be unconstitutional," the Korean Catholic Bishops'

The Bishops' Conference "not only denies the fundamental right of the fetus, a dignified human being who is incapable of defending himself from the time of correction, but also decides to impose a responsibility on the unwanted pregnancy to women and unjustly exempt them from men" "He said.

"Abortion is a sin directly killing the innocent life of the womb and it remains unchanged in the Catholic Church's teachings that it can not be justified for any reason."

The Bishops have said they will spare no support and support for women and men who have decided to defeat the temptation of abortion and give birth to life even if the abortion is revised or abolished.

The Bishops' council said, "We urge the legislative and executive branches of the Republic of Korea to introduce laws and institutions that will encourage women and men who conceive new life in a difficult environment to help them choose life, not the death of the fetus."

The Diocese of Catholic Church in Seoul also regrets the decision and stressed that the follow-up legislative process should be cautious.

"The state should protect the lives and safety of the people at all times," said the spokesperson of the Seoul National University Diocese Huh Young-yeop. "I expect that legal and institutional devices will be provided to protect both the pregnant women and the fetus." Said.

"We hope that our society will become a healthy society that protects the culture of life throughout the life cycle of birth and death," the Catholic Church said.

The Catholic Church in Korea has been campaigning against the abolition of abortion, including passing the signatures of 1 million believers against the abolition of abortion in March last year.

"It is not the abortion clause of the criminal law that causes the suffering of women, but various situations that are put into abortion," Cardinal Soo Soo-jeong of the Catholic Church of Seoul National University said, "I think that consideration for them is not legalization of abortion."

The Constitutional Court ruled unanimously on the case of the abortion constitutional amnesty case on the day of 7 to 2 judges.

The Constitutional Court ruled that the provisions of the current law, which prohibited abortion in the early pregnancy and penalize violations, were excessive infringement of pregnant women's self-determination.

However, the Constitutional Court ruled that abortion could not be allowed in full, and decided to amend the law until the end of next year.