Measures such as Europe-wide risk analyzes and better coordination of countries should help to protect 5G networks against potential dangers. On Tuesday, the EU Commission presented recommendations calling for a coordinated European approach to the development of mobile networks of the future. The proposals seek to address security concerns in a more targeted manner, for example with regard to the use of Chinese technology.

Whether and to what extent European countries should involve companies such as Huawei in the network structure has been discussed for months. Critics of Huawei warn of possible espionage and sabotage.

According to the EU Commission, EU states should prepare national risk analyzes of the 5G infrastructure by the end of June and then revise their security requirements to network providers, especially for public networks.

Company exclusions are conceivable

After an exchange between the countries, a Europe-wide risk analysis will be developed by October with the support of the EU Commission, which in turn would be the basis for uniform safety standards and tests.

EU countries should assess the "risks associated with the behavior of suppliers or operators, including those from third countries". Furthermore, from the point of view of the Commission, they must have the right "to exclude companies from the market for reasons of national security". The Commission did not name Huawei by name in this context.

In Germany is currently running the auction of the radio frequencies for 5G. With the new mobile standard, users will not only be able to surf faster in the future. Businesses in particular are hoping for improvements in technologies such as robotics or autonomous driving (Here are the key questions and answers about 5G).

In addition to Huawei, the Finnish Nokia Group and Ericsson from Sweden are hoping to be involved in setting up the new network infrastructure. The US had warned against cooperation with Chinese companies and threatened Germany with a cessation of intelligence cooperation, Huawei should be involved in building the German 5G networks.

The EU Commission now demands the same security standards for all network equipment suppliers and technology providers - regardless of their country of origin.