The victims of the Incheon Pastoral Attendant 's grueling sexual assaults attended the police to be investigated today (May 9).

Kim Timothy, who represents the victim, said in a news conference ahead of the investigation, "The victims have been courageous in capturing the grave, and they have informed me of the incident." "Victims are unhurt in the world, I pray that the world will not come. "

The two ministers also added that they will disclose the recording file containing the offender's external pressure for the incident.

Police will decide whether to convert the pastor who is suspected of sexual abuse to a suspect based on the victim's investigation.

A 35-year-old pastor of a church in Incheon, identified as a perpetrator, has been suspected of raping grooming sexual assault against middle, high school, and young man gods for 10 years.

Grooming Sexual violence refers to the act of kindness to a victim or the accumulation of acquaintances, resulting in psychological control and committing sex offenses.

(Video coverage: Im, Dong-guk, image editing: Kim Bo-hee)