It is a 'reporting video'.

There was an uproar in the area of ​​a cafe in an apartment complex.

Yoo Won-seok, a news reporter, sent me a video shot today at a cafe in Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do.

At about 8:50 am, a young lion came into the cafe door with his head.

The elk went around in the cafe as if the floor was slippery and still falling down.

Blood spots were found in the past as an elk hurt his hind legs.

Fortunately, the elk did not attack anyone around.

The elk was sheltered in a cafe for 10 minutes and was safely restored by 119 members.

Police say the elderly have been treated in veterinary clinics near the mountain.

"The elderly man was very gentle." "The president of the cafe responded calmly and said, 'I think there will be a good thing'," he told the SBS reporter.

It is the news that SBS makes with the viewers, and the 'SBS video'.

(Video Editing: Kim Bo-hee, Foreseeer: Viewers Yu-seok)

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