Unexpected keywords appeared on the portal site 's top search rankings on Tuesday (11th) last week when Seoul Gion circumnavigated the suburbs. The two keywords that dominated the first and second top search queries were 'prosecution' and 'prosecution'. These two keywords were named after the famous professional baseball cheerleader and the Samsung Bio Logics, which had been in desperation for the cancellation of the de-listing, and overtook the popular movie titles re-broadcasted on TV.

On this day, it was the day when the prosecution announced the investigation results of Lee Jae-myeong, the governor of Gyeonggi Province. The prosecution's accusation of Lee Jae-Myung, who was the subject of the controversy, was based on the violation of the election law and the alleged abuse of his authority. The prosecution's investigation into the wife of the governor, Kim Hye-kyung, who was investigated by the owner of Hye Gyeong Kim, was influenced by the prosecution, the prosecution of Lee Jae-myung, and his wife Kim Hye-kyung. I looked.
The reason why the word "prosecution" has become a popular search term is simple. This is because people are not often used in everyday life. Prosecution is a legal term. The simplest definition in the legal glossary is "the act of seeking a court's judgment on a certain criminal case." In other words, the investigation is done by the prosecutor, but the final judgment is made by the court, so after the investigation, send the case to the court "Please give the trial". The easiest expression is "to hand over to trial."
To be honest, I did not know what the prosecution was until I became a reporter. It's just a rough guilty, I guess. Even after being a reporter, I learned to write a direct article rather than get a systematic education and say, "Oh, this is what you mean." I would like to say that I did not teach at school, but frankly I am not myself. However, it is certain that it is a word that the public does not use well.
In fact, the expression "indictment" itself is somewhat ambiguous. In the first year of reporters, I learned to use Korean as much as possible, but one of the most ambiguous words to write is "indictment". There is an easy expression of 'handing it over to the trial', but it is sometimes difficult to write as much as possible. For example, a police officer wrote '~~' to the prosecutor's office in response to prosecution. ' The police should write that they sent ~ to the prosecution in an opinion that they would hand it over to the trial, but they should write that they sent it to the prosecution in favor of handing it over to the trial. Anyway, it is complicated. Especially when you need to pick a title. The shorter the title, the better. Usually, a little bit of trouble, "Let's do it as it is," I can just write.

In fact, in this case, there was also a king. The result is a bit different, but a few years ago, a news that an idol singer decided to pick up the evil spirits was noticed, and there was a thing that " This is happening. When the press mainly uses difficult terms used by administrative agencies and judicial institutions, it does not refine them, and 'unexpected search words' often arise. Needless to say, there are specialized fields such as science articles. There are some ambiguities like the above-mentioned 'prosecution opinion', but it is an honest idea that most of them are often caused by lack of journalism or media concerns. In addition, there are not many reporters and media companies who can afford to tackle and refine the expression of reality in the current situation of breaking news competition. In fact, it is most convenient to do as you should.

Nevertheless, I think that it is inconvenient for viewers and readers who encounter unfamiliar terms. It is because the terms in the article need to be looked up and interpreted separately. Nowadays, it's just a search box, but never before. According to the criterion that "articles are easy to read and easily understood," unfamiliar words and difficult articles are uncomfortable and unkind articles.

There is also a study that the choice of the inexplicable terms of the press eventually makes the public distant from the media. Compared to the past, the kinds of mediums as well as the channels of information acquisition have diversified. Lee Jong-hyuk, a professor of journalism at Kyunghee University, said, "In the past, newspapers were almost the only media, and most of the users in the hierarchy were literate. However, younger generations tend to avoid the media themselves. did. Instead of an unkind medium, I prefer YouTube or blog, which reprocesses information and delivers it.

In fact, it is close to the responsibility of the media to write words that are as easy as possible and Korean. This is because the most fundamental role of the media is to help people communicate information properly. In the modern society, the media is also a window for the general public to view society. Words and expressions used by media are tools to look at and understand society. If the tool is not cool, it can not help to see and understand the world. The media itself neglects its responsibilities and obligations.

The children's literature writer Lee Dae-deok (1925 ~ 2003), who devoted his life to the campaign to save the Korean people, emphasized in his writing that he should "write up his mind", "desperately" The words and writings we use without any thought are the reason that they dominate the social structure as well as the consciousness of the people, and also the fate of the people. "If words and writings leave the general public and turn the people, people's thoughts and actions are likely to become undemocratic," he said. If Mr. Lee had lived, he would not have seen this unexpected popular search.

You might be wondering what a fuss with a popular search query. However, I think that it is my personal opinion that I want to change these expressions and terms that have already become solid and have no idea. Speech is also replaced when someone comes up with a better expression or a fresh expression. For example, the word 'netizen', which was popular only a few years ago, has long been replaced by 'netizen'. There is nothing you can not say for other words. Kindness and unkindness, beyond the boundaries of the press, responsibility and role, and media crisis.