It is written in an online cafe. The writer who said that he was an employee said, "If the company is hard and it is a holiday, I start the day with my resume," and said, "I do not want to work because of my boss's abuse."

There are many types of bullying in the workplace, such as excessive work orders, profanity, sexual harassment, bullying, and so on. Recently, the public anger over workplace harassment has become more and more evident as it has been revealed that President Yang Jin-ho of the Korea Future Technology has committed a bizarre crime by hitting his left-wing employee mercilessly,

In today's report +, I looked at the actual situation of bullying at work and found out whether there is a solution.

■ "Obsessive bullying at work" ... Rate of harassment over six months, three times higher than Europe

What is bullying in the workplace? In general, many people think of bullying, bullying, or assault as harassment, but experts point out that the category of harassment in the workplace should be much broader.

According to a poll by the Bergen Bullying Research Group at the University of Norwegian, it is also classified as bullying at work, being asked to do things less than spoofed, or misled by people who are oversensured or unrelated.
So how bullying in the workplace is prevalent in our society? According to the National Human Rights Commission's "Survey on Harassment in the Workplace" conducted between August and September last year, 73.7% of 1,500 men and women aged 20 ~ 64 years who have experience of work experience have experienced harassment in the workplace Shredded. Seven out of ten employees felt they were harassed by the company.

Compared to other countries, the situation of our country is serious. A survey of domestic workers using the "Negative Experience Questionnaire" made by the World Bullying Research Institute of the National Emotional Labor Network, a group of NGOs including the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, revealed that 27.8% experienced bullying at least six months . When the same questionnaire was conducted for European countries, it is more than doubled, considering that the damage rate is 10% early.

■ I want to protect by law ... The two-month "sleepiness prevention law at work"

As the incident of Chairman Yang Jin-ho was exposed to sleep, the voice of the lawyer to protect the bullied workers became bigger. In September, the ruling and opposition parties issued a call when they urged them to pass a "bullying law" at work.

The bill first stipulates the concept and definition of bullying in the workplace. "I used the advantage of status or relationship in the workplace to give physical, mental, and emotional distress to other workers over the appropriate range of work, or to aggravate the working environment." Physical abuse and sexual assault can be punished by the existing criminal law, but the abuse of the penal code or the act of killing can be investigated according to this definition.

However, for over two months, the law has been anchored at the second stage of the National Assembly 's judicial review commission. Some opposition lawmakers are strongly opposed. The concept of 'mental / emotional suffering' is ambiguous and the scope of the 'act that makes the working environment worse' is not clear, so there is a possibility to abuse the law.

So, the network of emotional labor nationwide said, "Even though recent cases of harassment such as the case of former Korean aviation peanuts have been continuing, the opposition lawmakers oppose the passing of the bill is a very irresponsible attitude to neglect the violence in the workplace. I will read only with will, "I raised the voice of criticism.
■ "No physical or mental health damage" ... France, not only perpetrators, but executives are also punished

How are you coping with bullying at work overseas? Already in Europe and elsewhere, we recognize that bullying is a serious social issue and are preparing legislation to prevent it.

Sweden is one of the first countries to put an alternative to workplace bullying. In the early 1990s, the World Anti-Harassing Ordinance was enacted for the first time in the world.

In France, labor law states that "all workers should not undergo repeated acts of mental harassment that violate their rights and dignity, undermine their physical and mental health, and cause deterioration of working conditions" We have broadly defined the concept of harassment. In particular, if harassment occurs, not only the perpetrators but also the executives of the company can be punished.

Canada Québec clarified the definition of harassment in 2004 by amending the Labor Standards Act. In particular, "mental harassment" refers to "all forms of repetitive and hostile acts, words, movements or gestures that affect the dignity of a worker or the mental and physical integrity of a worker and cause a harmful working environment for a worker" That's not bullying.

As in our country, a bill to prevent harassment in the workplace has not yet been made in Japan. There is an increasing tendency for companies to establish internal regulations as a result of bosses' power harassment (a combination of 'power' for power and 'harassment' for harassment), which is a social issue.

(Planning and composition: Song Wook, Chang Aram / Design: Chung Ho Chung)