
We are continuing to talk about this, but it is a clear crime to wonder about the victim of the case and to write and spread unfounded statements as to who it is. This is a serious thing that makes victims of sex crime not to be able to make a voice and make other damage well. Especially in this case, it may be a problem to tell someone who is victim in the chat room.

Park Se-yong will give more details on this.


It is okay to have a so-called "jungjunjongjirashi" that starts like this, but it has been recently made to misunderstand.

PD Nyeong Seok and actor Jung Yumi are in an affair relationship, and this is nothing.

There will be someone who wrote this first, and most of the time, "Hey, this is happening." This fake news is spreading.

However, the police had only nine people, including the first writer, and hundreds of others who intervened in the distribution process did not register.

So simple delivery is not punishment originally, this is not true.

Defamation can be handed over to the court for the victim to be punished. The police explained that the victim had to pick up the original author and the first person who posted it, and the case is different.

JYP, an entertainment agency, made a complaint to the distributors as well as the writer yesterday (13th).

Then, even if the person you are given receives a promise not to spread it, whether it is a family, an individual, or a group chat room, the police will have to investigate it as it is today.

Once you have an investigation, it may be punishable for it to be defamed even if the content is true. It is right to see it, or it is punished more severely.

Even if you do not want it, you can get it. Of course it is not sin itself, but I must definitely know that it is a criminal offense to deliver it to others.

(Image editing: Jong Tae Kim, VJ: Young Chun Jung, Research data: Park Kyu Ri)