
The crime of abortion began in 1953 when the criminal law was first established. However, abortion practices have continued to cloak and have been regarded as one of the most typical laws where law and reality are at odds. In 2012, the first case of an unconstitutional case against abortion was filed. At that time, the Constitutional Court ruled the constitution as four to four, but the voices of abolishing the abortion law after that had become more pronounced. In 2016, a "black protest" was urged to abolish the abortion crime. In 2017, the Cheong Wa Dae National People's Party petitioned that the Cheong Wa Dae needed social discussion.

In this changed awareness and social climate, today (11th), the Constitutional Court made a constitutional unconstitutional decision in the second unconstitutional lawsuit. Citizen groups who have claimed to have abolished abortion have welcomed women 's right to self - determination, while religions regretted today' s decision that abortion is a life - killing sin.

Reporter Nam Joo-hyun summarized the social response.


[Abortion is unconstitutional! We won!]

As news of the constitutional inconsistency was announced, the women who shouted abolition abortion hugged and cheered.

[Su-Jung Kim / Attorney: The primary subject in pregnancy, childbirth and nurturing is women. Listening to and respecting women's voices is the declaration of the Court's decision.]

Women generally welcomed the fact that the current law punishing abortion infringes fundamental rights in the Constitution.

[Lee Seo Jin / Worker: The fetus is important, but it is the woman who builds the fetus and makes it again. So I think it's more important for women to make decisions.]

The abolition of abortion, which discriminates against women, is a big step toward gender equality in itself.

There is a strong voice that the debate on safe pregnancy abortion should be made in earnest with the decision of the Constitutional Court.

[Go Kyung-shim / Director, Humanitarian Practice Medical Association Committee: There is an abortion drug named 'Mi-ping'. I hope that this drug will be approved for use and will not be misled by false drugs, so that the health of women can be protected.]

However, the religious world expressed regret that the fetus was life.

The Catholic Bishops' Conference says abortion is a sin directly killing the innocent life of the womb and is an act that can not be justified.

The Korean Church Association also condemned the irresponsible and biased ruling that ignored the spread of life extermination and life-threatening trends.

(Image coverage: Heungsik Kim, Taewoong Kim, Yongwoo Kim, Image editing: Lee Jae-sung)