Bahta is at high altitude in St. Moritz and is training for the comeback. The runner is all-round and holds high class at distances between 800 meters and half marathons. Her personal record at the World Championships distances 1500 meters is 4.00.49 (qualification limit 4.06.50) and 5000 meters 14.49.95 (15.22.00).

Two days after 5000 meters at the SM on September 1, there are 1500 meters on the program at a gala in Zagreb. Bahta has until September 6 to qualify for the World Cup, which starts September 27.

Has five options

Bahta returns to Sweden on Friday or Saturday and there are up to five alternatives to decide according to Friberg:

1) Should she compete at all?
2) Will she only compete at 5000 meters at the SM on Sunday?
3) Will she only compete at 1500 meters in Zagreb on Tuesday?
4) Both compete in Karlstad and Zagreb?
5) Or maybe there are other opportunities?

Friberg fades down the possibility of good times.

- There is no bet against the World Cup because she had too little time to prepare to do well. It's been a turbulent and tough year. She should be healthy and healthy and get started, that's the important thing. If she runs a competition and would probably pass any qualifying limit against the presumption, then you have to decide on that, "Friberg tells SVT Sport.

"Gives attention regardless"

Friberg gets to listen to how Bahta is doing after the high altitude training in the Swiss Alps.

- It can be an alternative to run 5000 meters at the Swedish Championships, which I can match with her. But then it is not to qualify but only to feel that you are back again, emphasizes Friberg.

Considering all the attention, does it matter whether the comeback happens in Karlstad with a great media print or in Zagreb with hardly any Swedish journalist in place?

- It's hard for me to speak up. It gets noticed regardless

Although probably much larger in Karlstad?

- Yes, it can be. At the same time you have to move on. No matter what happens, she is free to compete on Sunday and so it is important to try to get it as normal as possible, whether it is in Karlstad or Zagreb. You still have to go ahead and put things behind them. Otherwise, you can keep on eating this for as long as any which is not good for her investment. Then she has to choose for herself what she wants to answer or not

Friberg says that Bahta had problems when the body was subjected to tough workouts.

- She has come too far, although it gets better and better, but she lacks competition experience. It will be a while before you are there again. Last week she was pretty worn and a little bit backed. She has had some feelings, which is natural when you start up and start training hard again.