An article in a Russian newspaper says that there are many major international crises that followed the false statements of US presidents, and today leaks of Pentagon documents show the contradiction between US President Joe Biden's statements and what is actually happening in Ukraine.

The article published by the Russian newspaper "Izvestia" and written by Eduard Lozansky, president of the American University of Moscow, monitors a number of false statements by US presidents that have created crises in the international arena:

Vietnam War

  • Former US President Lyndon B. Johnson lied in 1964 when he spoke of a threat from North Vietnam during his election campaign, asserting that "there is no intention of sending young Americans 10,500 miles away from their homeland to do the job that Asians themselves have to accomplish in our plans." Once he won the election, U.S. ships were allegedly targeted in the Gulf of Tonkin, justifying his deployment of about 58,3 U.S. troops there, of whom more than <>,<> were killed and more than <> million Vietnamese were killed.

Invasion of Iraq

  • Former US President George W. Bush lied by claiming that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction to justify its famous invasion, which left about a million Iraqis dead along with the displacement and displacement of hundreds of thousands.
  • U.S. President James Bock in the 19th century lied by saying that Mexico was invading the United States, an invasion that no one had ever seen, to justify starting war between the two countries and annexing Texas to American soil.

Spanish-American War

  • At the turn of the 20th century, President William McKinley followed in Bock's footsteps by claiming that the Spanish bombed the USS Maine, sparking a Spanish-American war that ended with U.S. control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam.

After observing these major events in American history, Lozansky concluded by saying that (US President Joe) Biden is following in the footsteps of his predecessors and making false and dangerous claims about defending what he calls "Ukrainian democracy" and the need to rein in Russia, which "seeks to swallow up European countries," and planning to fabricate a third world war using nuclear weapons.