"Remaining in the soil, uranium compounds for a long time retain the danger of negative effects on people, animals and crops," Kirillov said.

He also reported a radiation hazard to humans if small particles of depleted uranium enter the body in the form of dust.

According to Kirillov, alpha radiation fluxes in the case of settling of small uranium particles in the respiratory tract, lungs and esophagus cause malignant tumors.

He also said that uranium dust, accumulated in the kidneys, bone tissue and liver, leads to the fact that the internal organs change.

Kirillov cited data that the incidence of cancer in the former Yugoslavia and Iraq increased due to depleted uranium.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Britain's decision to supply Ukraine with ammunition with depleted uranium will not remain without Russia's response.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also said that Russia will be forced to react if the collective West begins to supply Ukraine with weapons with a nuclear component.