The Culture and Leisure Committee should, with immediate effect, cut off the grants to the nine study associations in the municipality in order to save two million kronor a year. This is what moderate chairman Gösta Dahlberg proposes before Thursday's meeting of the committee.

If the proposal becomes a reality, it will have devastating consequences, according to Emma Rossvik, project coordinator and team leader for Norra Bohuslän at Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan Väst.

"It's a really hard thought that we wouldn't be able to give our member organizations and partners the support they deserve," she says, unable to hold back tears.

Start the clip to see the criticism of the proposal.

Wants to prioritize young people

The background is savings requirements, according to a letter of service ahead of Thursday's meeting of the board.

"The Culture and Leisure Committee faces major financial challenges to, among other things, meet the activities of local associations. The priority is to increase the participation of young people in association life," the letter reads.

But the proposal has faced harsh criticism even before it reached the board's meeting. The opposition is opposed to the abolition of support, but according to information to SVT Nyheter Väst, there is also a lack of consensus within the majority. The issue is therefore expected to be postponed.

"It is reasonable for the entire board to be given the opportunity to familiarise itself with the documents and what possible consequences this may entail. If you think it has gone too fast, I have respect for it", writes Gösta Dahlberg in an email to SVT.