Does donating blood increase the risk of contracting the new crown?

Can I donate blood after being infected with the new crown?

Will it have negative effects on the body?

The authoritative answer is here!

Will donating blood increase the risk of infection for people who have not been infected with the new crown?

  A healthy adult donating blood does not exceed 13% of his total blood volume, which has no adverse effects on the body.

The total blood volume of a healthy adult accounts for about 8% of the body weight. If a 50-kg person donates 200 or 400 ml of blood, which accounts for 5% or 10% of his total blood volume, the proportion of the heavier person will be even lower.

In addition, blood donation is the collection of peripheral blood from the human body. After blood donation, the blood in the blood storage organs such as the liver, spleen, and lungs will be quickly replenished into the peripheral blood to restore circulating blood volume.

  Therefore, donating blood will not affect health, nor will it increase the risk of infection.

After being infected with the new crown, what conditions can be met to donate blood, and is it harmful to the health of blood donors?

  For asymptomatic, mild and common infections who have been infected with the new crown, one week after the upper respiratory tract infection symptoms such as fever, cough, and sore throat have completely disappeared, and 7 days after the last nucleic acid or antigen test is positive, they can donate blood.

If it is a severe or critical infection, it needs to be recovered for 6 months before donating blood.

  This standard is consistent with the international requirements for delaying blood donation after COVID-19 infection, as well as the current requirements for delaying blood donation for patients with respiratory infections and lung infections, and will not cause harm to the health of blood donors.

Is the blood donated by a blood donor who has been infected with the new crown safe?

  The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus and cannot be transmitted by blood transfusion.

So far, there are no reports of the spread of the new coronavirus through blood transfusions in the world.

The blood station will strictly manage blood collection and supply to ensure that the infected person recovers and donates blood after a period of health observation.

  Therefore, blood donated by blood donors who have been infected with the new crown is safe.

  Source: National Health Commission

  Editor: Gan Beibei Yang Minghao

  (Healthy China WeChat public account)