Europe 1 with AFP 6:30 p.m., November 10, 2022

In the wake of the Ehpad Orpea scandal, the Senate voted on Thursday, with the government's backing, in favor of increased accounting and financial control of private clinics and the groups controlling them, as part of the review of the project of the 2023 Social Security budget.

The Senate voted on Thursday, with the backing of the government, in favor of increased accounting and financial control of private clinics and the groups controlling them, as part of the examination of the 2023 Social Security draft budget.

This bill already plans to strengthen the transparency and financial regulation of medico-social establishments and services, and in particular nursing homes (medical retirement homes), following the Orpea scandal.

Identify overpayments by health insurance

Centrist Union senators successfully defended an amendment to allow financial courts and administrative bodies to better control private clinics and their companies, by allowing them to be provided with the necessary documents.

"This control will in particular make it possible to identify overpayments by Health Insurance (...) For example, in the context of the Orpea case, more than 50 million euros in overpayments had been identified", particularly highlighted these parliamentarians.

The Orpea scandal erupted in early 2022 after the publication in January of the investigative book "Les Fossoyeurs", in which journalist Victor Castanet accused the private group of having set up a "system" to optimize its profits to the detriment of well-being. residents and employees.

The LR group, the majority in the Senate, said it was unfavorable to the centrist amendment, but it was validated in particular thanks to the votes of the socialists.

According to rapporteur Corinne Imbert (LR), the requested documents are already accessible, and "wanting to control health establishments yes, but casting suspicion no".

She also raised the question of the means necessary for controls, and priorities.

The Minister Delegate for Territorial Organization and Health Professions, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, supported the new measure, which "completes" what is already planned for nursing homes.