This summer, it was revealed that a manager within the health and care administration in Ronneby was investigated for abusive discrimination after a number of reports were submitted.

SVT Nyheter Blekinge has interviewed about ten people who worked with the manager, who is being investigated after reports of repeated harassment, threats and sexual allusions.

Listed employees' sex lives

Several employees are now talking about the list that the manager initiated and which was used to write down which employees had sex with each other.

The list also contained information about where, when and how many times sexual encounters took place.

According to an employee, who for some time participated in the work of updating the list, the manager's explanation for the mapping was that it would be used for various work environment-related issues.

In retrospect, does it feel weird that you even made this list?

- Yes, it feels completely sick.

I think it feels very strange that a manager wants to map out who has been with each other.

"Inappropriate list"

SVT has on several occasions sought the manager for a comment without success.

In an SMS to another employee, which SVT has seen, the manager calls the list "inappropriate".

Maria Appelskog, head of administration at the health and social care administration, currently does not want to answer any questions regarding the manager's actions towards the staff.