The voting map outlines the picture of winners and losers.

Many political forces are destined to remain outside Parliament because they are below the 3% threshold.

Civic commitment, the political formation created by Luigi Di Maio and Bruno Tabacci took less than 1% nationally.

Between the House and the Senate, the percentages are between 0.5 and 0.6%.

Italexit, Gianluigi Paragone's party stops below the 2% threshold both in the House and in the Senate and will remain outside the next Parliament: "Our bet was to exceed the threshold. We were hoping for a much higher turnout. I don't think it is such a low turnout is good for democracy, ”leader Paragone said overnight.

Sovereign and popular Italy, which brought together various souls of the left (including the Communist Party of Marco Rizzo) and had in its lists, among others, Gina Lollobrigida and Antonio Ingroia, is among the forces excluded from the next Parliament.

The ballot boxes give the formation just over 1%.

The Italian Communist Party (about 0.3%) and the Communist Workers' Party are also bad.

Disappointing result also for the People's Union of the former mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris which stops below 1.5% at national level in the two branches of Parliament, so it does not come close to the necessary threshold.

Alternative for Italy, with the tandem made up of Mario Adinolfi and the former CasaPound Simone di Stefano, it reaches 0.15% in the Senate and even less in the Chamber.

Former M5s Sara Cunial and Davide Barillari, with their Vita formation, close to No Vax positions, stop at 0.7% and are therefore very far from the threshold to enter Parliament.

Below 0.1% the animal rights party, the People's Force, the party of creative madness and the Free.