Tsimlyansky said that as part of the partial mobilization, they would call on the categories of Russians that are necessary to complete the tasks. 

“These, of course, are shooters, tankers, artillerymen, drivers, driver-mechanics,” he said.

According to him, as such, there is no order of conscription of citizens who are in reserve.

He clarified that priority is given to citizens who have suitable military specialties. 

He also explained that the number of drafted citizens is determined by the regular needs of the completed military units.

“One of the main factors is that the citizens called up from the reserve have combat experience,” he said.

On September 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On the announcement of partial mobilization in the Russian Federation."

The head of the Russian Defense Ministry, Sergei Shoigu, announced plans to call up about 300,000 reservists.