"Korea developed because of Japanese colonial rule?" Korean media criticized Harvard University for compiling and distorting history textbooks

  [Global Web Reporter Fu Jiajun] According to a report by South Korea’s JTBC TV station on the 13th, Harvard University in the United States was recently reported to have compiled and used textbooks that reflect Japan’s right-wing stance and distort history. South Korea can only develop under the rule of law," and did not mention the issue of "comfort women" victims.

After the news came to light, it sparked controversy in South Korea, and many Koreans expressed opposition to the relevant content in Harvard University's textbooks.

  According to the report, JTBC reporters obtained this relevant textbook from Harvard Business School and found that when introducing the content related to South Korea, there were many problems of "distorting history": in the introduction of the Korean peninsula being colonized by Japanese imperialism. During the reign, the textbook reads, "Japan annexed Korea by force in 1910."

In this regard, JTBC is dissatisfied that the relevant expression of the textbook does not use the word "colonial", but the word "merger" that reflects the position of the Japanese government.

  At the same time, the report said that the textbook did not mention the issue of "comfort women" victims, but instead claimed that "South Korea further industrialized during this period (the Korean peninsula was colonized by Japanese imperialism), and the transportation and power infrastructure also improved. It has been improved and the educational, administrative and financial systems have been modernized.”

JTBC further criticized that the claim in relevant textbooks of Harvard University that "Korea developed because of Japanese rule" is an expression inclined towards the theory of colonial modernization and reflects the position of the Japanese right-wing.

  JTBC said the textbook is used in the required professional courses for graduate students at Harvard Business School, and it is estimated that nearly 1,000 students use the textbook to learn related content each year.

As the textbook is publicly available online, it is expected that more college students and readers will come into contact with the textbook.

The JTBC reporter also learned that the authors of this textbook are all professors or researchers at Harvard University, mainly white, and one Japanese, but no Korean.

  According to the report, regarding the question of why the content related to South Korea is not written by Korean scholars, the JTBC reporter said that there are scientific research institutes sponsored by Japan in Harvard University, which are said to have great influence in the school. Therefore, there are some inside Harvard. Many "pro-Japanese" professors.

In addition, a Korean faculty member who works at Harvard also said that due to the strong "pro-Japanese" forces in the school, it is difficult for him to express his position and explain the facts.

  After the incident came to light, it sparked domestic controversy in South Korea.

JTBC said that some Koreans have criticized that Harvard University, which is very influential in the global academic world, has distorted (South Korea) history one after another.

  Meanwhile, South Korean netizens are arguing about it.

Many Korean netizens objected to the relevant content in Harvard University textbooks.

  A South Korean netizen asked under the report: "The United States is still a British colony. Because of British rule, the United States has developed to the level it is today. What do you Americans think of this?"

  Another Korean netizen protested under the report: "If you think that South Korea is developed by Japanese rule, isn't Japan's economy achieved by squeezing colonial countries such as South Korea and sucking the blood of the common people?"

  There are also Korean netizens who expressed concern about this, saying: "The problem is very serious. If students receive such a wrong education at Harvard, they will think that South Korea depends on Japan to live a good life after entering society."