It's busy in the studio.

Hundreds of garments in all the colors of the rainbow hang up.

A white wall stands out in the crowd, here hang only used wedding dresses bought in from the USA.

They will recreate the opulence of a Russian ballroom from 1904.

- It was in the 1980s when the wedding dresses were at their maximum, like cream cakes, says Nina Sandström.

Half a kilometer of fabric

There will be a lot of fabric.

Nina Sandström says that she estimates that the wedding dresses alone contain half a kilometer of fabric.

- Wedding dresses normally only get one day in their lives.

I think it's a fun thing that we use them on stage so that they can be with us night after night, says Nina Sandström.

The dresses are made of polyester and cannot be re-dyed.

Instead, the opera has worked with decorations.

The material for the decorations comes, among other things, from broken necklaces from the opera's previous performances.

Based on real tragedy

The play Anastasia is a fairy tale about a woman trying to find her family.

The musical is based on an American film which is partly based on a real tragedy.

The show premieres on September 2.

Come along into the studio in the video.