What do you have to warn people about “out there in the country”, as the saying goes?

Of course from falling rocks, also from biting dogs;

from deer crossing and occasionally from toxic fumes.

In the Humboldt Forum in Berlin, the population is to be warned about a dome in the future: the reconstructed dome of Berlin's Hohenzollern Palace.

Fifteen years ago, the Bundestag decided to restore it with a two-thirds majority - and apparently overlooked the fact that the complete dome also includes a cross and an inscription that says, "All those who kneel in heaven should bow in the name of Jesus." and be on earth".

The organizers of the Humboldt Forum, which is known to stand for cosmopolitanism, no longer want to have anything to do with such sentences and symbols.

That's why they want to decide next week to erect a text board that represents for the dome roughly what is called a trigger warning in books and films.

It says, for example, that the revolution broke out in Berlin in 1848 while the dome was being built.

And: "270 people died on Schlossplatz when the military shot at the crowd of demonstrators." That's wrong.

If you want, you can read that the dome and lantern were already finished on the birthday of their client Friedrich Wilhelm IV, i.e. on January 2nd, only the interior fittings and sculptural decoration dragged on for years.

And nobody died on Palace Square during the March Revolution,

The assertion that the Prussian king used the inscription to make it clear “that he only felt committed to God, never to a document passed by parliament” is formulated quite frankly: Finally, at the end of 1848, the same Friedrich Wilhelm issued a constitution in which his royal power, for example in finance and in controlling the courts, was definitely restricted by parliament;

it was valid in the Kingdom of Prussia until 1918. But those responsible for Humboldt don't really seem to care about such historical details.

Your warning sign is actually a substitute action.

The trigger warning they actually mean shouldn't be on the roof as planned, but in front of the main entrance to the Humboldt Forum.

Suggested text: “Dear visitor, the building you are standing in front of is not a castle, but nothing else either.

German cultural policy had it set up without knowing exactly what to do with it.

We don't know either, but we have the task of using it.

That is why we expressly dissociate ourselves in advance from everything that could cause offense, if necessary also from ourselves. Ask your equal opportunities or post-colonialism officer about risks and side effects.”