In order to secure opportunities for education overseas, it is the responsibility of the government to enhance education at Japanese schools, and the government has passed and passed a law at the plenary session of the House of Councilors to provide necessary financial support.

Regarding support for Japanese schools, teachers are dispatched and textbooks are provided with the national budget, but until now there was no law to support them.

Based on this, the Act on Promotion of Education for Overseas Educational Facilities requires that all efforts be made to secure educational opportunities for Japanese children living overseas, and that Japanese schools, etc., be secured at the same level as the domestic educational environment. It is a basic idea.

On top of that, it is the responsibility of the national government to enhance education at Japanese schools, etc., and includes the government's necessary financial support and the establishment of basic policies.

This law was passed at the House of Councilors plenary session on the 13th, and was unanimously passed and passed.