The United States warned the Solomon Islands they would respond "accordingly" if China were to install a "permanent military presence" in the Pacific archipelago after signing a controversial security agreement, reported Friday the House -White.

A US high-level delegation which visited the Solomon explained to the leaders of the island that if Beijing were to go to "the establishment of a permanent military presence de facto" would cause "serious concerns" among United States' retaliate accordingly, "said the American presidency in a statement.

This also applies in case of establishment of any "military installation" or "force projection capabilities" that would allow a Chinese deployment in the region, she said.

"No military base, no long-term presence"

Des émissaires de la Maison-Blanche et du département d’Etat américain se sont rendus vendredi aux îles Salomon où ils se sont entretenus notamment avec le Premier ministre Manasseh Sogavare. Alors que Washington voulait convaincre l’archipel de ne pas signer d’accord avec Pékin, ils semblent avoir été pris de court mardi par l’officialisation de ce rapprochement.

"In response to concerns raised, the Prime Minister reiterated his assurances Sogavare specifically guaranteeing that there would be no military base, no presence of long-term, and not force projection capabilities," explained the Presidency US.

"The United States emphasized that they would follow developments closely in consultation with regional partners.


The US delegation also stressed the "potential implications for regional security", challenging at "substantial discussions", "the purpose, scope and transparency of the agreement."

Security Dialogue

Mais les Américains ont aussi assuré « respecter le droit » des Salomon à prendre « leurs décisions souveraines », et ont tenté de courtiser les îles en multipliant les gestes à leur égard. Parmi eux, l’accélération de l’ouverture d’une ambassade américaine, le renforcement de la coopération concernant les mines non explosées, l’envoi d’un navire-hôpital pour une aide de santé publique ou encore l’acheminement de vaccins supplémentaires.

The two countries have also pledged to launch a "high-level strategic dialogue" which will focus in particular on the sensitive issue of security.


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