- The world is on fire.

We must bring the consequences of the climate crisis to the top of the political agenda, says Gudrun Schyman.

She is the first candidate on the Climate Initiative Simrishamn's electoral list.

The party, which was founded a few months ago, is politically independent and aims to put climate and environmental issues at the top of the agenda.

- It's about survival, the future of our children and our grandchildren.

That is why we must rise from the political trenches and cooperate, she says.

Nowadays politically wild

Gudrun Schyman is one of the founders behind the Feminist Initiative, of which she is no longer a member. This was after the party began an exclusion case in connection with her becoming active in the Climate Alliance, which is running in this autumn's parliamentary elections.

- I still sit on the municipal council but have no party name.

Until recently, FI was represented by three people in Simrishamn's municipal council.

Now two of them are political savages who have moved on to the Climate Initiative Simrishamn.

Several parables between the parties

The party wants, among other things, to introduce a municipal climate committee and a carbon dioxide budget, issues that FI Simrishamn has previously conducted.

- Much of what we address in our election platform is something that FI has also fought for.

But we want to reach more people.

Not all municipal residents are prepared to join an ideologically based party, says Gudrun Schyman.

Why do you think you will reach more in this party compared to in FI Simrishamn?

- We already see that we do.

Most members have not been politically active before, but are interested in pushing the climate issue.