With disgust, Kim Lindbom Carlsson remembers the stench on the farm where several different animals had been neglected by an elderly couple.

Some of them had even died.

- The owners felt bad and there are many who feel bad who should not have animals, says Kim Lindbom Carlsson.

It is the worst case she has ever experienced and she is still strongly affected by the incident, even though several years have passed since then.

"Such things happen every day"

From a paper, she reads some examples of events from the reality of the cat home.

Among other things about a little black kitten that was found tied up in a bicycle rack, three kittens that were found in a garbage room, 24 cats that were found in a dark house without water, eleven cats that were trapped in an abandoned caravan and a cat that was frozen to death in a transport cage.

- These are just a few of the things that have happened over the years.

Such things happen every day, she says.

In the clip, Kim Lindbom Carlsson tells about the worst event she has been in where animals have been severely tortured.