
- Artificial intelligence contributes to the lives of billions of people around the world, and sometimes its role is not noticeable, but it is very effective, as it introduces changes to all sectors of society, and pushes the world to reconsider the general concept of the human being.

Despite the enormous benefits arising from the use of artificial intelligence technology, there is another aspect of the advantages that these technologies carry, which is the risks and difficulties that result from the misuse of the technology or from deepening gaps and inequalities.

The Doha Forum, at its twentieth session, concluded during the session “Promises and Risks of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics That Feed Decision-Making Processes” to the need to formulate policies and establish international and national legislative and regulatory frameworks, in order to ensure the return of these emerging technologies to benefit the entire humanity, in order to reach artificial intelligence centered around man and be of great benefit to mankind, not the other way around.

The agenda of the Doha Forum, held this year under the slogan "Transformation into a New Era", is filled with the participation of the most prominent leaders, politicians and decision-makers from all over the world;

To discuss critical issues of vital importance: geopolitical alliances, international relations, the financial system and economic development, defence, cybersecurity, food security, sustainability and climate change.

Buskel sees the health and financial sectors as the sectors that benefit the most from artificial intelligence technology (Al-Jazeera)

Dr. Osund Osoba, a researcher in artificial intelligence at LinkedIn, stressed the importance of applying artificial intelligence in all fields, but at the same time he stressed the need for governments to set principles and standards that would reduce the risks of these technologies and prevent their monopoly by some companies. .

Osoba told Al Jazeera Net that health care institutions and financial institutions are the most benefiting from artificial intelligence technology, but every technology has its concerns, and there must be appropriate legislation to regulate the work of this technology in the long term.

He added that artificial intelligence collects data, but talent is the most important element in this technology, so it is necessary to focus on the issue of governance at the global level, so that some companies do not have a monopoly on these technologies.

Technology companies seek to reach their goals, especially in terms of making profits, so the government must also strive to preserve the interests of people, according to Osuba.

He considered that the biggest problem in the matter of developing legislation on artificial intelligence is the lack of sufficient capabilities to follow up on the developments of artificial intelligence, so governments should agree on standards and principles that use legislation in a wiser way.

In turn, the Special Representative for Trade Affairs at the US State Department, Diloire Syed, said that the coming years will witness a boom in artificial intelligence technology to the point that such technologies will talk to us in all areas, especially as this organization is witnessing more progress daily.

He stressed the need to think seriously to benefit from artificial intelligence, in light of specific frameworks and legislation that guarantee us access to these technologies and avoid their risks and the fears that result from them on an ongoing basis, especially with regard to the monopoly of talent.

Osuba calls for setting standards that limit the risks of artificial intelligence and prevent its monopoly (Al-Jazeera)

Legislation related to artificial intelligence technology must be monitored effectively and continuously, in order to ensure global security in light of the issues arising from these technologies that conflict with justice, transparency and safety.

In this year's edition, the Doha Forum emerged as a pivotal platform for bringing together leaders of countries and governments, policy makers, experts and thinkers, to discuss the latest developments and issues of concern to the world, promote dialogue, exchange ideas, make policy, and provide applicable recommendations.

While the researcher at the Meta Foundation, Dr. Catherine Boskell stressed the need for the issue of specific legislation for social intelligence technology to focus on data privacy, especially in light of the continuous updating of the applications of these technologies, but taking into account not to lose this progress in technology.

Buskill told Al Jazeera Net that in the future there will be consensus on artificial intelligence technology and its continuous development, especially in light of the passion of institutions around the world and their orientation towards data analytics and data-based algorithms as effective tools to reduce the burden of decision-making.

Trav confirmed that artificial intelligence technology creates difficulties related to the existential challenges of humanity (Al-Jazeera)

Artificial intelligence technology is spreading in the diagnostic tools in the health sector, as well as the applications of financial institutions, as well as it has shown great effectiveness in various sectors, according to Buskill.

While Daniela Traff, Director of Johnson Controls, emphasized that artificial intelligence technology works to address the sustainable difficulties we face in various sectors, but at the same time it creates other difficulties related to the existential challenges of humanity.

She explained that artificial intelligence needs legislation that takes into account the future, understands the danger of these technologies, and then sets the principles and standards that make it a safe technology, and ensures the application of the principle of transparency and privacy.

The Doha Forum was established in 2000 as a global dialogue platform, bringing together opinion leaders and policy makers around the world to propose innovative and viable solutions.

It brings together policy makers, heads of government and states, representatives of the private sector, civil society and non-governmental organizations.