The tours and the political initiatives around the electric scooters have been many.

Last September, the Social Democrats went out and threatened a total ban.

The chairman of the traffic committee, the moderate Tony Orsulic, thought this was very drastic.

But on Thursday, the traffic committee in Gothenburg hammered out a joint proposal from the Social Democrats, the Left Party, the Green Party and the Feminist Initiative.

These include special parking zones, a driving ban in Brunnsparken and the possibility of reviewing a ban on renting under winter road laws.

- We can also imagine that there will be a driving ban, for example on weekend nights.

That you can not drive around drunk is important to us.

Thousands of electric scooters

Right now, there are around 5,000 electric scooters around Gothenburg.

This summer, around 10,000. But Jonas Attenius has a hard time answering how many there should be.

- It is difficult to say what a reasonable figure is.

If they are located around on streets and squares, there are very few numbers that are a reasonable number, what determines is how to park and how they are driven.

If it is in order, you can have more bikes.

When is it finished in Brunnsparken?

- It is hard to say.

Now the traffic office is commissioned by the board to, in dialogue with the electric scooter companies, develop the exact routines and how it should work, says Jonas Attenius.