Västernorrlänningar has existed for 9,500 years.

During that time a lot has happened and the very earliest finds have now been collected at the county museum.

But the oldest object in the exhibition is much older than that, a tooth from a mammoth that was found in connection with the power plant construction in Storfinnforsen in the 50s.


Among the finds on display are also arrowheads and small sculptures and Vallakitteln - the iron pot that was found outside Selånger in Medelpad in the 50s.


A new part of the exhibition is the game Crafthunter.

There, children can live their lives into the Stone Age life by combining the information on a computer screen with physical findings in the exhibition space and thereby get a sense of how people lived thousands of years ago.

- It is a play and learning game where you physically and with the help of a computer play through antiquity, says Mona Nilsson, antiquarian at the county museum.

The children get to learn how to make a fire, weave fabric and cast a bronze ax.


The exhibition is called "The journey of antiquity - Nine thousand years of human footprints" and for just over a year, work has been going on to update, revise and develop the exhibition.

To a large extent, visitors will recognize themselves in the history of antiquity as it was conveyed earlier, but also discover a number of exciting news.