The pandemic has bored Lea Gleitman.

Previously, the almanac was full.

- Before the corona, I could be in schools or give lectures a couple of times a week.

I was quite active but then suddenly the corona came and it became quiet, she says.

She came to Sweden after the war after being liberated from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. The family was wiped out.

- It was just me, my big sister and cousin who survived.

Today they are also dead.

Started memory group

In 1991, she and other survivors formed, The Eyewitnesses of the Holocaust in Malmö, after Holocaust deniers claimed that this never took place.

- When the war ended then we were optimistic in a way we talked to each other, we survivors - 'now anti-Semitism has really died' but we are still hated and persecuted, she says.

She hopes that the conference in Malmö will be successful but is still refined.

- It is very important, but only it becomes something of it.

Often it's just talk but we hope, maybe.