Hungary is the only EU country so far to back the latest ruling by the Polish Constitutional Court, according to which parts of EU law are incompatible with the constitution.

The decision was the result of “bad practice by the European institutions”, according to a government resolution that the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán signed and from which the state news agency MTI quoted on Saturday.

"The aim is to withdraw powers from the member states that have never ceded them to the EU, without changing the EU treaties and by gradually expanding their powers," the decision continues.

The constitutional courts and courts of the member states are very well empowered to “review the scope and limits of the EU's powers”.

The Polish Constitutional Court ruled last Thursday that parts of EU law were incompatible with the Polish constitution.

This calls into question a cornerstone of the European legal community.

The EU Commission wants to enforce the primacy of EU law over national law with all available means.

France and Germany explicitly asked Poland to comply with EU rules.

Hungary itself has been heavily criticized for undermining democracy and the rule of law.

Warsaw and Budapest support each other with veto threats against EU measures that would act against them and require unanimity in the EU Council.