The investigations against the district administrator in the Ahrweiler district after the flood disaster should not lead to the responsibility for victims and destruction being transferred to him.

On the evening before and on the tragic night in July, other participants could have shown a happier hand.

The same applies to the district administrator's representative for operations management, who is now also sitting in the dock, although nothing has been proven even remotely.

From the supervisory authority, which in Rhineland-Palatinate could have taken over the command of the operations management on the Ahr at any time, to the interior minister, who visited the operations management in the evening and could also have intervened at any time, there was and is even more responsibility than just in the district office .

In any case, that would have deserved as much protection and understanding as the Minister-President did to the Minister of the Interior.   

If, as is emphasized everywhere today, the catastrophe was foreseeable, then where were all the decision-makers who knew exactly afterwards, that night?

The prime minister of the country would have done well to use her popular role as mother of the country to pronounce something like a moral amnesty over this case of an unprecedented natural disaster.

Because neither the victims of the disaster nor those responsible are helped when scapegoats have to pay for what is caused by collective excessive demands or negligence. Political guilt cannot be passed on.