A doctor in his 70s from the Armed Forces Capital Hospital, who used to be the president's doctor, was arrested and indicted for trying to sexually assault a patient he had treated before, and was sentenced to prison in the first trial.

The Ministry of National Defense Ordinary Military Court sentenced 73-year-old Noh Mo, a military officer at the Armed Forces Capital Hospital, charged with 'rape and injury to soldiers, etc.' the day before (8th), and sentenced him to 3 years and 6 months in prison.

Noh was charged with attempting to sexually assault A, who was a female military officer last year.

After being sexually assaulted in 2017, Mr. A was treated at the Armed Forces Capital Hospital by Mr.

And three years later, I visited the Armed Forces Capital Hospital last year, met Mr. A, and had dinner together a few days later.

After drinking and getting drunk, Mr. Noh took Mr. A to his nearby home and attempted to rape him.

A, who managed to escape from the house with resistance, reported Mr. Noh to the unit a week later.

Mr. Roh was the president's neurologist and is also known as a stroke specialist.

(Photo = provided by Yonhap News TV, Yonhap News)