China News Service, May 27 (Chen Jing, Wang Guangzhao, Zhao Yue) "In the past, senior smokers are considered to be more likely to get lung cancer. However, more and more data show that among the Chinese population, non-smokers The incidence of lung cancer in women has increased significantly." Professor Chen Haiquan, director of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of Fudan University Cancer Hospital and chief expert of the multidisciplinary comprehensive diagnosis and treatment team of thoracic tumors, said in an interview on the 27th.

  It is understood that many early lung cancers found in physical examinations appear as "ground glass nodules" in the imaging report.

Surgery is the main method to treat ground-glass nodular lung cancer. When is the "best time for intervention"?

Chen Haiquan believes that do not rush for surgery. Patients should be followed up for at least 4-6 months. Benign ground glass nodules usually disappear during the follow-up period.

He pointed out that the persistent central ground glass nodules should be closely followed up; young patients with peripheral nodules need to consider social and psychological factors to decide whether to operate.

  According to reports, the relevant research project completed by the team of Professor Chen Haiquan took the lead in conducting low-dose spiral CT screening for early lung cancer in the community.

Among the lung cancer patients found on the screening, non-smokers accounted for 66%.

In another multi-center study involving employees from six hospitals in China, women still accounted for 82.1% of lung cancer patients screened.

Research by Professor Chen Haiquan’s team has shown that 90% of non-smokers with lung cancer have known gene mutations.

  It is reported that at the invitation of Harvard University's Brigham and Women's Hospital, as a "Schuster Distinguished Lecturer" in related academic activities, Professor Chen Haiquan shared the Chinese experience in the diagnosis and treatment of early lung cancer to the participating experts and scholars.

  During the interview, the reporter learned that another study conducted by Professor Chen Haiquan’s team confirmed that lung adenocarcinoma with ground-glass nodules on imaging is a special clinical subtype.

Data show that this type of lung adenocarcinoma patient has no lymph node metastasis.

Professor Chen Haiquan proposed that the ground glass nodules of the lung below 10mm should be observed and followed up, and the ground glass nodules of the lung above 10mm should be classified and treated.

  Professor Chen Haiquan pointed out that these studies have shown that in clinical practice, it is necessary to avoid over-diagnosis and treatment, and to balance the benefits-risks of patients and later consider surgery or follow-up plans.

Professor Chen Haiquan said bluntly that when is the best time to intervene in lung nodules, more research is needed to turn experience into a standard.
