
Actionism rarely helps. Activism even less. After the climate ruling in Karlsruhe, there was the - expected - popular outbidding competition for the green washing of one's own program and goals. The climate coalition became the largest in the country, and so carbon prices climbed as quickly as the polls of the Greens. This effort for more climate protection, fought for by dark green lobbies, goes home with the greens in the end. The attempts of the SPD to pretend that - after years of slumbering - one can now march at the head of the eco-avant-garde are downright silly. The Habeckization of Markus Söder sometimes takes on comical features.

As with the CDU Chancellor's hysterical energy turnaround, prudence and sustainability are being replaced by hectic and short-lived times.

Similar in the refugee crisis.

At the same time, epic topics such as education, the reduction of bureaucracy and digitization are dragged along in a very viscous manner.

The blatant disorientation in matters of fundamental rights and freedoms is even more serious.

The self-proclaimed great thinkers of the green transformation despise people who live differently from themselves. They envy their freedom and now see the opportunity to use the Karlsruhe judgment as a lever for re-education.

The moral argument replaces the urge for innovation and more market.

The instrumentalization of later generations is just as brutal as it is irreconcilable.


Unlike the clever concept of Lukas Köhler from the FDP, who wants to set a CO2 price framework in order to then create a market of freedom, the wish lists of the prohibition and regulation fetishists are long.

The project is not enough for the powerful bourgeois climate activists - they also want to solve the social question.

That is only possible with a green-red-red government and a socialist redistribution, which must make the future exorbitant energy costs affordable for the masses.

The result is a dystopian mix that has already established itself in the pandemic: The interaction and interplay of politics, activist science and compliant media, which in many cases make any PR agency superfluous for the Greens when it comes to idealistic foaming.

In the end, we will be bitterly saved by mini nuclear reactors from the dictatorship in China, CO2-consuming bacteria from the USA or seawater desalination plants from Israel. The German mainstream ignores both progress and freedom - an unfortunate combination.