On Europe 1, the ecological senator Esther Benbassa returns to the bill consolidating the republican principles, currently examined by the Senate.

The text has been hardened and "it puts cults under pressure", assures the elected official, who indicates that she is in favor of "liberal secularism". 


The bill confirming respect for the principles of the Republic, or bill on "separatism" continues to be examined at first reading by the Senate.

A majority on the right, the Luxembourg Palace continues to toughen the text.

A series of measures concerning the university, aiming in particular to prohibit "prayers in the corridors", was introduced into the text and the LR majority voted an amendment to ban the wearing of the veil in official national sports competitions.

If the deputies will be able to reconsider these provisions in the continuation of the shuttle, the ecological senator Esther Benbassa nevertheless denounces a stigmatization of the Muslims via this text of law, even "a relentlessness".

At the microphone of Europe 1, she explains. 

"I am talking about this relentlessness because this text is still very liberticidal. I am for liberal secularism as it had been conceived by Aristide Briand and other politicians who chose an inclusive version. It included believers by telling them : “there are limits, we must not exceed them.” I am not for the rewriting of the law of 1905 and I find that this text rewrites the law ”, she denounces.

"He puts the cults under pressure, I have received letters from the Bishop of Reims, from Protestants, who say they are placed under guardianship and that the consequences will be difficult for them too."

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