
Sydney (AP) - A sheep that wandered around unscathed in the Australian bush for years and was freed from around 35 kilos of matted wool after being rescued is on the mend.

The sheep, baptized Baarack, would eat and run around again, Pam Ahern, owner of a private animal reception station, recently told the British broadcaster BBC.

Among other things, the sheep has become a megastar on the Tiktok platform: the video of the unspoiled Baarack was viewed 2.7 million times.

The sheep was stunted and immobile discovered by Ahern's employees in southeast Australia at the beginning of February and taken into care.

Baarack's fur was so stressful that it could no longer close the eyelids.

The animal contracted an ulcer on its eye through stuck grass seeds and dirt.

Also, because of the unnatural weight, Baarack could no longer stand and was malnourished, said Ahern.

While Baarack was being sheared, his heartbeat was observed to ensure that the sheep did not succumb to a heart attack or stroke.


Sheep like Baarack should be shorn once a year, according to Ahern.

Baarack's wool was completely matted and unusable because sticks, grass and leaves got caught in the fur for years.

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Edgar's mission


Video of the interview with BBC

Tiktok video