The background to the controls is the new pandemic law that came into force on 10 January.

Only one person of ten square meters may stay at the same time inside a store.

The county administrative board has now started with physical inspections and six inspectors will be out almost daily, both in Uppsala and in other places in the county.

- We have done random sampling, without being able to see any direct problems - but we have talked to some stores about how they calculated the maximum number of customers who can be inside at the same time, says Kristina Jansson, responsible for the controls at the county administrative board.

The County Administrative Board has received a lot of tips from the public.

- Many of them are about people thinking it is too crowded in the grocery stores, and then we contact them or go there, says Kristina Jansson.

"They are good"

One of the stores in the city district praises customers for taking responsibility.

- It is clear that you may need to say goodbye at the checkout.

But I think they are good, the customers.

And January is generally a quiet month, says Elisabeth Älvebrink, deputy store manager in a clothing store.

Hear more about the controls and the situation in the shops in the clip.