In total, this is just over SEK 80,000, shows SVT's review.

The information comes as a surprise to the chairman of the municipal company.

- I did not know about this until you requested the invoices and I received a copy of it, says Johan Nikula, Chairman of the Board.

Against the municipality's guidelines

From 2010 to this year, the current sports association has received just over SEK 80,000 in sponsorship.

The reference of the invoices has been the name of the suspected suspect.

- In light of the municipality's guidelines and a bit of common sense, it is inappropriate to act, says Johan Nikula.

Sponsorship to own club

It appears that the sponsorship applies to advertising space on club shirts and signage.

In the club, relatives of the manager were also competitive. 

- It is a bad judgment and the former CEO has sat on two chairs.

The chairman of the board thinks that the information may be interesting for the police to take part in.

- This is not included in what we have left and I think that this should benefit the police authority as an additional material in their investigation, says Johan Nikula.

"Violated certification rules"

Five times, the manager himself has finally certified the invoices, ie approved them for payment.

For two of those years, he was also chairman of the club that received the money, something that Johan Nikula believes violates the certification rules.

- It worsens the situation.

Here, the certification and outsourcing instructions that are internal to the company have been ignored.

Get clubs selected

In total, around 15 sports clubs have received support from the company during the years from 2012 onwards. 

The biggest support has gone to the club where the former manager had interests.

According to SVT's calculation, one third of the support paid to smaller sports associations has gone to the club in question during the specified years.

We have contacted the former manager by phone and asked about the background to the payments to the club.

He has answered us via text message, but not to that very question.