Mexico City (AFP)

Mexican scientist Mario Molina, who won the 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his findings on damage to the ozone layer in the atmosphere, died Wednesday at the age of 77, the research center said. who carries his name.

This center did not specify the cause of death, but according to the Mexican press, he was the victim of a heart attack.

Doctor in physics and chemistry from the University of California, Mario Molina was one of the first researchers in the world in the field of atmospheric chemistry.

Author with the American Frank Sherwood in 1974 of an article which anticipated the enlargement of the "hole" in the ozone layer due to the emissions of certain industrial gases, he was awarded the Nobel in 1995 alongside the Dutchman Paul Crutzen.

Some of his research gave rise to the Montreal Protocol decided within the framework of the United Nations to protect the ozone layer, which banned or limited the emission of many harmful substances.

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