China News Service, Beijing, September 28 (Li Jingze and Huang Yuqin) On September 28, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Blue Hall Forum on "International Order and Global Governance in the Post-epidemic Era".

  Wang Yi said that since last week, the 75th UN General Assembly kicked off and the world entered "United Nations time."

On this most important international stage in the world, the international community has conducted lively discussions on fighting the epidemic, recovering the economy, the evolution of the international order, and global governance reforms.

Although countries have different positions and perspectives, the international community has reached valuable consensus on some important principles and directions.

  All parties generally believe that the United Nations is still the most complete mechanism platform of the current international system, international law is still the most authoritative framework for relations between nations, and the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter are still the most important guidelines for the peace and development of human society.

  All parties generally believe that multilateralism is the foundation and pillar of the existing international order and should not be questioned or challenged.

The only result of pursuing unilateralism is to push the world into division and isolation again, and even trigger conflict and confrontation.

  All parties generally believe that solidarity and cooperation is the only way to overcome the epidemic and move towards recovery.

The epidemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of today's world and highlighted the objective reality that countries are connected to each other and share weal and woe.

In the face of global challenges such as the epidemic, if we go our own way, or even beggar our neighbors, it will only bring greater disaster.

We have no choice but to work together and help each other.

  Wang Yi said that individual countries have bucked the trend and regarded the solemn international occasion of the United Nations as a performance venue for serving their own politics and self-interest, as a arena for provoking conflict, confrontation and dividing the world.

Countries have resisted such inconsiderate behavior in different ways.
