
Protests against racial discrimination are spreading again as the case of Freud, a black man who died in the process of arresting a police officer in the United States, was belatedly known.

As the controversy grew, the seven police officers involved were suspended.

This is Kim Jong-won's correspondent from New York.


[Daniel Freud's arrest site (last March): (Get down on the ground! Behind your hands. Don't move!) Yes, I see.]

He was arrested without any resistance, but the police covered his head for spitting on the floor. Daniel Freud, who suffocated in the process of putting on and pressing,

[Joe Freud/Hyung: As you can see from the video, this is a cruel murder.

There is no way to explain other than that.]

The suspicion that the police hid the death case is increasing the ripples.

[Lewis Stewart/Pastor: This incident took place on March 23, more than five months ago.

Why has this case been revealed now?] The

city ​​of Rochester, New York, where the incident took place, suspended seven police officers involved in Buryaburya.

[Lovely Warren/Rochester Mayor: I have never tried to avoid taking responsibility for a police officer who failed to fulfill a mission for our society.]

But protests by angry citizens are spreading.

The city of Rochester followed for a second day, and protests were held in downtown Manhattan, New York.

Even though it's raining in New York now, a rally to protest Frude's death is held in the middle of Times Square, and as you can see there are police cars all over the place.

Tensions are rolling in downtown New York, where there have been no big gatherings for a while.

In today's (4th) demonstration, an unidentified vehicle was rushing toward the protesters, and the police began an investigation.

(Video coverage: Lee Sang-wook, video editing: Jang Hyun-ki)