LDP Mr. Ishiba officially requested a lecture from the secretary-general of the 2nd floor.

Former Secretary-General Ishiba, who is willing to post Abe, met with Secretary-General Nikai to formally request a lecture at the Ishibachi party scheduled for September. It seems that there is also the aim of building a relationship in light of the next presidential election.

Former Secretary-General Ishiba met with Secretary-General Nikai last month to request a lecture at a party for the Ishibashi faction scheduled for September. I requested.

In response, Mr. Nikai said, "I will attend the party and talk to myself," and agreed.

Mr. Ishiba told reporters, "I used to have an oral request before, but today I officially came to ask. This is not a request for the abstract, I will leave it to you."

Mr. Ishiba is motivated to post Abe, and it seems that he may have the aim of building a relationship with Mr. Nikai in view of the next LDP presidential election.