Women are a condition that many men complain of because of their significant impact on any relationship between the two, while women prefer not to recognize them, and they throw responsibility on the partner who cannot tolerate a word from them, and they consider that this accusation is greatly exaggerated.

And the state of unhappiness means permanent disturbance to the other, which is just like psychological warfare, and the language of dialogue disappears, and its reason is due to many things, including emptiness or superficial thinking when someone creates it or for wrong education that he underwent since childhood, or an attempt to attract the attention of the other as revenge on him by ignoring his partner in life for example.

In order to shed light on this issue, it is necessary to hear the opinion of some men and the response of the woman to that, as well as the opinion of social psychology regarding this phenomenon.

"Undoubtedness, of course, and not a circumstantial situation."

Unhappiness printed and weak confidence

"Undemanding is a nature, not a circumstantial situation." In this phrase, Ahmed Tufayli summarizes the situation of women in general, and complements his admission that the reason for his divorce is the daily "disturbance" that he was suffering with his wife. where have you been? With whom were you? Where are you going? Why did not you answer on the mobile?

And if the woman starts to go to this door, she will find it blocked and the suspicion begins to leak to her and the atmosphere will electrocute, and the husband may resist her to start the journey of going up to the abyss and raising the slogan of "sufficiency"!

Tafili asserts that he tried to avoid this daily quarrel and be patient for his daughter, but the problems worsened and it was difficult to reach an understanding on any topic, because jealousy is an additional reason in this case and the distress increases a lot to an unbearable degree, he says to Al Jazeera Net.

Engineer Marwan Darwish believes that the woman is not a "nakda" in nature (Al-Jazeera)

It is inherently uncomfortable

Engineer Marwan Darwish believes that a woman is not a “nagdah” by nature, and that when she does this, this is due to the fact that the partner may have neglected her or not given her enough attention, and indicates that men make such accusations to justify their actions, “Many justify their betrayals by saying that they are nagd And this is not correct. "

He continues that his relationship with his partner is a relationship that prevails in understanding, mutual respect and trust between the two parties, and in his view there is a type of women suffering from excessive jealousy and fear of losing the partner, therefore it is necessary for men to change the way of treatment and behave with women of this type in order for the relationship to become solid and based on Frankness and affection and not to dominate.

Dorina Zinedine says that most women are grieved because they seek an ideal relationship (Al-Jazeera)

Most women are sore

Dorina Zineddine admits that most of the women are blunted, and they consider that "these accusations are made by men because they cannot bear the word," and says that "a man considers that in the relationship he owns the woman and must do what he wants without having an opposing opinion."

And she asserts that women are always looking for the best in the relationship, and the woman requests a lot from the man because she wants the relationship to be perfect, but she believes that in return he accuses her of "unhappiness" at that time because he is impatient, or not enthusiastic about something and does not want to fulfill all her requests, and refuses She calls this case "unhappiness", confirming that it is "a pursuit of a better life", and considers that economic conditions may be a main reason for aggravating matters.

Dorina indicates that the husband sometimes dominates his love for ownership and imposes his personality on his wife, which results in the disappearance of the dialogue with frequent daily quarrels, which may lead the wife to prefer divorce rather than continuing such a relationship.

Rita Mazraani: What causes a woman to be unhappy is that men do nothing if she does not ask him more than once (Al-Jazeera)

This is what drives women to be distressed

The main reason why a woman is unhappy is that men do nothing if she does not ask them more than once, says Rita Mazraani, confirming to Al-Jazeera Net that “sometimes the wife is forced to request more than once, and he does not respond”, and considers that the man’s behavior does not This is acceptable.

Rita also explains that the man does some actions that he believes do not disturb the woman. On the other hand, the woman prefers not to talk about her problem clearly, and considers that he has to discover it alone, and that it is incumbent upon her to get out of this habit and express her problem clearly, just as The man should be more intelligent in the relationship.

The wife may be in need of individual treatment, according to psychologist Mona Darwish (Getty Images)

Opinion of social psychology

From the point of view of social psychologist Mona Darwish, "disturbance" is a cross-cutting topic related to the nature of the emotional relationship between men and women, which is a type of behavior that comes in a comprehensive context, and results from subconscious behaviors associated with conflict over roles.

Mona explains to Al-Jazeera Net that the woman stores through her memory a feeling of dependency for the man and resort to this feeling in order to achieve her requirements or to control the man, and that she uses emotion in some cases in order to achieve this goal, and she may also resort to spreading an atmosphere of tension in the relationship .

Symbolic revenge behavior

Mona goes on explaining the view of social psychology that "disturbance" is a symbolic revenge behavior that comes in the context of the tense relationship, and the reasons are due to a feeling of deficiency or distorted education or the struggle for self-realization, in addition to distorted education in the eastern societies that raise women in order to Be dependent.

And Mona pointed out that the treatment must be educational psychologically, by changing the perception of the woman who must be raised on the basis that she is a human being as well as a man, and "sometimes it may need individual treatment."

Mona refuses to say that "this behavior is normal for all women," stressing that it is "distorted emotions acquired from social inheritance, and transmitted from one generation to another, and that economic reasons are another motive, in addition to the failed intimate marital relationship."