
08 June 2020Great and heavy rains are hitting almost all of central and northern Italy from this night. A violent hailstorm with grains as big as walnuts struck Veneto in the Padua area, destroying maize crops in a few minutes while in the Veronese area in Valpolicella cherries and vineyards were hit, causing the damage caused in this crazy June to rise to millions of euros. national agriculture from bad weather that has crossed Italy from north to south compromising crops, gutting greenhouses, uprooting trees, flooding fields, uncovering roofs and causing landslides and landslides. This is what emerges from the monitoring of Coldiretti in reference to the last weather alert of the civil protection in an anomalous month of June marked so far along the Peninsula by 25 intense hailstorms, more than double the same period last year (+ 127%) , according to elaborations on data from the European Severe Weather Database (ESWD).

More violent rain and hailstorms on the Bergamo area. Yesterday afternoon a boulder fell on a road in Ardesio, while numerous floods were recorded, especially in the Brembana and Imagna valleys, with several interventions by the firefighters. Violent downpours also in the capital, with floods and fallen trees. A landslide occurred in Capizzone, with an isolated family. In Val Bremabana some streams overflowed and firefighters intervened at the Cornabusache Sanctuary, built in a natural cave, it was flooded.

The southern area of ​​Turin, between the municipalities of Moncalieri, Cambiano, Santena, Villastellone and Trofarello, is among the most affected on this Sunday of bad yellow alert on Piedmont. Up to 80 centimeters of rain mixed with hail fell in a few minutes in the area, which transformed the roads into streams, causing some areas to end up underwater. The forecasts are not good even for the rest of the week, with other heavy thunderstorms alternating with sunny spells.
Dense precipitation also in Valtellina and Valchiavenna with intermittent wind and abundant rainfall on the valley floor which shows no sign of abating. There is a high risk of insidious pools on the asphalt of the main arteries, such as the state roads 36 of the Spluga and 38 of the Stelvio. Hence the recommendation to motorists, by Polstrada and Anas' illuminated signs, to drive with caution and to strictly respect the safety distances. Over the entire provincial territory there was a collapse of over 12 degrees in temperatures, while the firefighters of the detachment of Mese (Sondrio) intervened in the municipal territory of San Giacomo Filippo (Sondrio) for the partial flooding of the Olcera torrent which mud and debris dragged along the roadway. The intervention of the firemen and workers of the Municipality prevented the closure of the state road 36 in that section.