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The Crusade cry in the total of Clermont in southern France in the late eleventh century AD was high when Pope Urban II called in the masses of his subjects the necessity of uniting and moving towards the East to extract the Holy House from the Muslim "infidels". All over western and central europe As it followed the cries of monks and priests without rationality or reflection, except to please the Lord, and an attempt to atone for sins and sins to obtain instruments of forgiveness, in addition to the subsequent extraction of the endless wealth of the East.

The safe road to the Levant and the heart of which was "Jerusalem" passed only from Anatolia (today's Turkey), this country that the Turks and Turkomans had settled in only thirty years ago, after their victory in the battle of "Malazird" over the Byzantines led by the most famous Seljuk Sultan Alp Arslan, and these Turkish masses were under the rule of two great families at the time; The first was the Seljuk Romans who took from Konya in the center of Anatolia as their capital, and they were an important branch of the Seljuk family, and the second family in the east and north of Anatolia, the family of Bani Danshmand, Turkmen, and among them emerged as complainants Ahmed, this prince who tasted the Crusaders the scourge of defeat, and the tragic bitterness.

Who is like a complainant? And how did his family appear on the political stage at the time? How did he annihilate, by the lack of his forces and equipment, the most important Crusades of her father’s ball and to prevent its danger from the Levant? What are the main results of the victories of this Turkish leader who appeared at least a century before Nur al-Din Mahmoud and Salah al-Din Ayyubi?

The founding of the Emirate of Dashmand

The leader of the Danchmendi rose to Alp Arslan because of his intelligence, courage and reason, and he held a brigade and assigned him to open the central and northern regions of Anatolia, such as Sivas and the yearnings

Kamchatkin bin Danshamand was the first Turkish Muslim leader to achieve major victories over the Crusaders after their swift control of the Levantine regions and Palestine, and this leader hails from Bani Daneshmand, his father Taylo was a leader and advisor (A) to one of the major Turkmen tribes that settled after successive migrations from Central Asia In the regions of Azerbaijan and Aran on the borders of Anatolia, and they had become accustomed to confronting the Byzantine forces that controlled all of Anatolia before the advent of the Seljuks, and with the advent of Sultan Alp Arslan, and forcing him to enter the decisive Battle of Malaqird in the year 463 AH / 1071 CE; Taylo and Bani Danchamand joined the Seljuks, and they did well with them, as the Seljuks indicated the weaknesses of the Byzantines and the paths of their country.

The leader of the Daneshmendi rose to Alp Arslan because he saw him in intelligence, courage and reason, and he held a brigade and assigned him to open the central and northern regions of Anatolia like Sivas, Tuqat, Nesar, Al-Bustan, and Malatya, and he ensured that the countries open in Anatolia would have him and his heels after him, but rather gave him a written document that Nobody from the Seljuks would be exposed to anything from the future of the Bani Danimmand country, which was in the following year after Malazkur in 464 AH / 1072 AD, so Taylor remained for 15 years in a struggle and confrontation against the Byzantines, and he was able to open many countries of Anatolia from the east, middle and north, until He accomplished a large part of his mission, and was taken from the city of Noksar (northeast of the Turkish city of Tokat today) as his capital, until his death in the year 477 AH / 1084 AD [1].

His son Khamtkatin received Ahmed bin Al-Dashmand, the banner to succeed his father, and he is considered the real founder of the Danish community in central and eastern Anatolia at that time. In those regions, it proves its place and influence; He was shocked by the advent of the first Crusade, which the Byzantine Emperor Alexus Komnen provided with all that he possessed to defeat and humiliate the Seljuk and Danish Muslims who seized much of his country and its possessions [2].

The Crusaders and moments of transformation

When the most famous Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah died in 485 AH / 1092 CE, his death caused his sons and relatives after him to enter into internal struggles over leadership, control, and influence, which opened the door for the Crusaders to march tens of thousands of their forces to control the Levant and Jerusalem, and the general campaign came, Any of the non-soldiers of the European peoples, which was devoid of any tight arrangement as the beginning of these crusades, was destroyed by the Seljuks of the Romans near the city of Konya, and they left none of them.

However, the first Crusade (1096-1099 AD), which was estimated at hundreds of thousands, was more trained, organized, and experienced than the previous campaign, as the Seljuk Seljams were forced to withdraw from the West of Anatolia after the Battle of Dorelium near the Eskisehir region, so the Byzantines reoccupied it, and the Crusader leaders headed south and they captured On Antioch, Edessa, Tripoli, the Levant and other regions of the Levant, and they ended up taking the house of Jerusalem in the heart of Palestine after committing the most horrific massacre in the history of the medieval Islamic era in which seventy thousand residents of the city went, in the year 492 AH / 1099 AD [3].

The Crusaders settled ever since in their principalities or their small cancerous states, and the largest and most dangerous of them was the Principality of Antioch on the border with Anatolia, which took over the leadership of Prince Bohmand the Norman, that fierce Crusader prince who inflicted a severe defeat on the Seljuks of “Anatolia” at the city of Eskisehir, which was the most prominent reason In their retreat towards the center of Anatolia, where they took from Konya their capital, this dangerous Crusader prince began to expand the influence of his crusader emirate by attacking the Islamic areas surrounding him, and he coveted control of the nearby, large and strategic city of Aleppo, which was then ruled by the Seljuk prince Radwan bin Touch [4].

Indeed, Bohmand was able to seize a number of villages and castles near Aleppo, and he was preparing his final plan to seize it, which is the city that is considered the stronghold of the north of the Levant. . As the Crusaders prepared to apply their siege to Aleppo, an urgent call came from the Emir of the Maltese Armenian city in Anatolia asking for the urgent help of his ally, Bohmand the Normandy, so that he could save him from the siege of the Prince as the complainants of Ibn Al-Dashmand, and inform him that if the urgent help did not come to him, the city would fall [5], and it was The city of Malatya at that time is a strategy for the Crusaders; This is because it is located in the north of Aleppo, Antioch and Edessa, and with the seizure of the Turks, the road will be open for them to confront the Crusaders.

Precious fishing

Bohmand Al-Normani (Communication Sites)

The Crusader Prince, Bohmand, immediately went with five thousand Crusader knight and Armenian residents of those areas allied to the Crusaders. The Turkish Prince, as complainants, expected the advent of the Crusader support. He also had an intelligence apparatus with some knowledge and knowledge. In the end, Bohmand arrived disregarded by the Kumstekin and his Turkish forces, and at the Aksu Valley near the city of Malatya near the upper branches of the Euphrates, he complained like Ben Dashmand's crusaders to the Crusaders in the month of Ramadan in the year 493 AH / August 1100AD, from the top of the hills, and soon he was able to surround the Crusader forces, The Turks lowered their swords into the necks of the Crusaders and reaped them as a result, killing them, including the bishops of Antioch, and Bohmand and his cousin Richard and the great Crusader knights fell into the prince's capture as complainants [6].

The prince, like the complainants, realized the value of the precious fishing that fell in his hands. The Prince, the Crusader, captured the most famous, and the leader of the first crusade against Muslim countries. Hence, as complainants, he quickly dismantled his siege of Malatya, and took the captives shackled in their shackles and deposited them in the remote castle of Nexar on the Black Sea in the north. The news came as a thunderbolt to the Crusaders in the East and West. It was the victory of the complainants as the first Islamic victory ever after the first successful Crusade, and moreover, their hero, Bohmand, was captured one year after their occupation of the East. What is a blow to their expansion plans [7].

The fall of Bohmand in captivity forced the Crusaders in the East to correspond to Europe and the papacy by the necessity of sending urgent campaigns to support them, and to fill the shortage of men they had, and Pope Pascal II had risen to the papal seat to succeed Urban II, the first to blow in the fire of the Crusader hatred, and proceeded to urge the countries and kingdoms And all provinces and duchies in strengthening the Crusader presence in the Levant before "Muslims, whether Turkish or Arab, to restore the areas occupied by the Crusaders."

Revenge calls from the leader Danshmendi!

The call of the Crusaders in the East was echoed in Europe, and the fanatical Crusader spirit whose hearts only heal blood was blown again, and the first arrivals were the Lombard forces coming from Italy, and the forces from the provinces of Germany, England and France, so they numbered three hundred thousand fighters!

These thundering military gatherings were launched in the east of the Sea of ​​Marmara in June 1101 AD / 494 A.H. They were overcome by a request to avenge the Turkish leader as complainants and to rescue the Crusader Prince Bohmand the Norman from his grip, as they considered him the greatest Crusader hero, and their leader who should listen to and obey him, but many One of the leaders of the campaign and the Byzantine Emperor himself saw that entering into a clash with the Emir as a complainant and an incursion into Anatolia is risky, but the Lombards did not hear, and they enthusiastically decided to move forward, and it was an unethical military decision.

As complainants were watching this torrential stream of Crusader crowds, so he was ordering the evacuation of Muslims through them, burning crops and fruits and destroying wells so that they would not benefit from any of them, so he would get tired and thirsty during the scorching summer days, as well as luring them to the place he deems appropriate to pounce on them, as he took a strategy The ambushes along the way, hit by the attacks of his kidnapping forces and killed many Crusaders, and despite that the Crusaders were able to seize Ankara and were in the possession of the Seljuk Sultan of the Romans, and killed its people, and returned it to the authority of the Byzantines within an agreement between the two parties [8].

The cruel defeat of Marseifan

The Crusaders then headed towards the properties of the Danshmaniyya state in north, central, and eastern Anatolia, and their greatest goal was to seize Necsar, the capital of Beni Danchmand, northeast of Tokat, and after great hardship and stubbornness, they finally arrived at the city and castle of Cangri near Necsar, and its ruler, Ismael bin Danchmand, was a brother as complainants, and because of Her immunity returned from them disappointed.

The time was very sweltering and hot in July, and the Crusader leaders such as Raymond of Sanjily advised these groups to head towards the city of Qasamtounia in northern Anatolia to seize it and were within the property of the complainants, from which they could be executed towards the Black Sea and from there they headed towards Constantinople; Because the forces and the water are on the verge of non-existence, and there is no way for them to survive except this plan. Indeed, these thundering crowds agreed to this decision to survive on their own, but this approval was not with the usual enthusiasm [9].

Meanwhile, as complainants, he continued to take the strategy of burning fruits, tapping wells, flash attacks with arrows, arrows and Turkish knights at the forefront of these crowds at times, and on the backside of another, which was what forced most of the army from the Crusaders ’poor to search for food and drink in small groups scattered in the wilds of Anatolia. It was easy for the Turks to hunt them from time to time, which forced the Crusaders to remain in one group to survive on their own from these deadly attacks of Keshkaten and his military teams [10].

The Crusaders approached the city of Qasmoonia, and here the Lombard majority decided that it would not recover from its misfortune except by seizing Nesar, the capital of Bani Daneshmand, in times, and the release of their leader and hero, Bohmand Al-Nurmani, and indeed they returned their steps, and here he realized as complaining that there is a decisive battle that is necessary, so he decided to seek help from the Seljuk leaders In Aleppo, Konya, and Harran, and they all supported him with the necessary soldiers, as it was a fateful battle for all of them, and finally, in Shawwal in the year 494 AH / August 1101 CE, these Crusader crowds reached the region of Marseifan (the Turkish city of Merzifon today) located halfway between the city of Amasya and the Halis River (Red River) north of central Anatolia [11].

As a complainant, he built his plan for the battle to attack the Crusaders in the form of waves of archers, who come very quickly to the vicinity of the Crusader army, and they showered them with their past arrows made of anvil and bones, then they returned, and another wave followed them from elsewhere and so, and the Turks imposed their method of fighting for three days, Even the Crusaders are tired and hungry [12].

On the third day, the clash and cohesion occurred between the two parties. As a complainant, it suffered an overwhelming defeat at the front of the army from the Italian Lombard forces who had gone out of the way. The Crusaders contracted, and then the Turks attacked the German forces, crushing them and the remaining of them managed to escape miraculously, but the Turks tracked them and besieged them and annihilated them from their virginity, then they advanced Toward the Crusader camp, they reaped the Crusader infantry after killing all the cavalrymen, and they looted all that was left in the camp of women, children, money and goods, and it was an earthquake defeat that resonated in Europe, due to the large number of Crusaders that fell on the battlefield, which was estimated at 90% of the entire forces (13 ]!

The Crusaders defeats at Hergla

The cruel defeat of Marseifan did not stop the Crusader advance from Europe. At the same time, new Crusader crowds from France, Bavaria and Austria were introduced, and they crossed the Bosphorus with the help of Byzantine guides, and French forces led by the Count of Nevers headed towards Konya, the capital of the Seljuk capital, who failed to seize After a siege that lasted for several days, from there the campaign leader, Count William, decided to head towards the city of Hergla, east of Konya, in an attempt to seize it, inflict a defeat on the feisty Turks, and try to return the Crusader honor that was insulted to them, and the news came to as complainants in the north, So he decided to contact the Seljuk Sultan Qalq Arslan and his alliance with him, and the two parties have already met and decided to join with these new Crusader forces and stop and annihilate them in every possible way [14].

The two Turkish leaders arrived in the city of Hergla before the arrival of the Crusaders, and the enthusiasm was high due to the victory of Marseifan, and they decided to silence the wells along the road, and to destroy the crops and fruits, and after several days in which the Crusaders walked on an arduous road in Anatolia, and in hot summer weather, and scarce water, arrived These forces to the outskirts of the city of Hergla are in a deplorable state, so the two Turkish leaders took advantage of this miserable situation of the Crusaders, and they entered into a decisive battle quickly, which led to an overwhelming defeat and killing of the Crusader knights and infantrymen, and the flight of their leaders such as William Conte Nefer and others towards Antioch, which they entered into a very miserable state Naked after several days, they whispered in the wilderness and wilderness of Anatolia [15].

But the defeat and extermination of the army of Conte de Neverre, did not stop the advent of new Crusader forces; German and Austrian led by the Duke of Bavaria and the Fourth Wolf, and Ida, the Duchess of Austria, with a Byzantine military contingent of elite forces, and French forces led by William IX, then these dense crowds headed towards the city of Aqsehir, amongst Anatolia, which they arrived on August 10, 1101 AD / 494 AH, and they plundered and destroyed it All-inclusive, then they headed towards Konya, whose garrison was unable to stand up to these large crowds, so they were forced to withdraw from them and took everything they could carry [16].

The Turkish teams decided to use the strategy of lightning attacks, tapping wells and spoiling the fruits, and when the Crusaders arrived in Konya and found it a ghost town that could not help them in anything, they decided to move forward towards the city of Hergla where the French were defeated under the leadership of William Nefer a month earlier, and they set out in their early days. September 1101AD / 494 AH, after their thirst, starvation and cruel attacks by the Turks intensified.

Because Hergla was located on one of the rivers flowing in Anatolia, both as complainants and Qalq Arslan realized that the first thing that the Crusaders would go to after entering the city was the direction of the river for their extreme thirst, so they resided in the Turkish forces in the nearby weeds and forests, and when the Crusaders approached the river, the Turks came out and launched waves Consecutively from the powerful arrows, they killed thousands in the first attack, and the Crusaders retreated from the horror of the regime without order, and some Turkish forces had ambushed them in the reactionary line to pounce on them, and they were trapped from the front and the back, led by the complainants and Qalq Arslan [17].

The Crusader army, whose knights were mixed with its infantry, was encircled in muddy muddy land, and the Muslims managed to inflict a large massacre on the Crusaders, after which a number of senior leaders and knights escaped to save their lives, and the defeats of Hergla the first and second were a severe blow to the efforts of the Crusaders and their campaigns, and a lesson they will never forget at the hands of the Turks.

How important are victories as complainants in the course of history ?!

The Crusaders realized that crossing in Anatolia between the Turks: Seljuks and Danchmandians, is a form of suicide, as the military commander, like the complainants of Bin Daneshmand, with the assistance of his regular forces, and his military strategy that exterminated thousands of Crusaders throughout the year 494 AH can not risk or gamble with foolishness or foolishness and not thoughtful, The Byzantines realized that the Danish and Seljuk Turks had become a reality that could not be ignored or defeated in Anatolia, and that any incursion into their country would cost them lives and money after their three victories at Marseefan and Heracles I and II.

Perhaps one of the greatest results of these victories is that the Crusaders ’enthusiasm for wars has subsided for at least half a century, and that one of the most senior of these defeated leaders in the first battle of Hergla, William, who made a turn to the leader as a complainant, lived until he realized the time of the second Crusade in the year 542 AH / 1147AD. He refused to participate in it after the bitter defeat he received at the hands of the Turkish complainants, and he used as a complainant his victories and crushed the Crusaders, then he expanded his conquests to include the regions of the upper Euphrates that were ruled by Christian Armenians, allies of the Byzantines and the Crusaders, and he managed to penetrate even the Crusader Edessa itself, and eventually managed to seize a city Malatya in the year 495 AH / September 1102 CE [18].

Dahi did not stop complaining about these military victories. He decided to release Bohmand the Norman, Prince of Antioch, after he had been deluded that the Byzantine Emperor was negotiating to release his family in exchange for 280,000 dinars, so that he could recover from him the city of Antioch, which used to follow the Byzantines, so Bohmand went out of captivity after paying a ransom of one hundred thousand dinars Then he turned to the papacy and the leaders of Europe warn them of the Byzantines' malice and that they ally themselves with the Turks from behind their backs, and indeed the hostility between the two sides was exacerbated and this was in the interest of Muslims in the Levant and Anatolia [19], while the matter was a deceptive plan of complainants.

Thus, the Turkish leader, such as Mashkatin bin Al-Dashmand, achieved what might be called a military and political miracle, as he hindered the coming of the Crusaders for half a whole century, during which time they could take over the whole of Anatolia and the Levant, and his victories led to the restoration of hope, the spread of the spirit of resistance, and the opening of the door and time In front of the emergence of other military leaders such as Imad Al-Din Zangi, who will return the first Crusader Emirates in Edessa nearly forty years later to the Islamic embrace again, and Ibn al-Danashmand died in the year 499 AH / 1105 CE to immortalize his name in the record of the championships of Islamic history!



A / (The Turkish advisor means Danishman)