- According to our freedom of expression constitution (the Freedom of Expression Regulation and Freedom of Expression), it is forbidden for authorities or other public bodies, ie the state, municipalities and regions to investigate, among other things. the person submitting information for publication in constitutionally protected media. Anyone who intentionally violates this can be punished by a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of one year, says Daniel Kjellgren.


 - It is also forbidden for the general public to intervene without someone in the constitution for someone to submit information for publication. If the measure constitutes dismissal, termination, notice of disciplinary sanction or a similar measure, a fine or imprisonment can be punishable by one year.

 - All negative actions directed against a communicator on the basis of his or her disclosure are prohibited by the Freedom of Expression Statements, even if they do not constitute a criminal offense. Ie all reprisals are prohibited, but it is only dismissal, salary deductions and the like that can lead to punishment for those who violate the ban. 

freedom of communication

 - Freedom of expression, ie the right to provide information for publications, is constitutionally regulated and protected by the prohibitions on investigation and reprisal.