In India, monkeys robbed blood samples taken from patients with new coronavirus infections.

According to Indian media such as NDTV, monkeys rushed to the staff who took blood samples of three Corona19 patients to the lab at the Mirut Medical Hospital in Uttar Pradesh on the 26th and intercepted blood samples and gloves.

When a video showing a monkey sitting on a tree biting a container of gloves and blood samples was released through SNS, residents around the hospital were amazed, saying, "Is the Corona19 virus spreading through monkeys?"

The hospital sample explained that the samples taken by the monkeys are blood from Corona19 patients being treated at the hospital, not a sample to determine whether they are infected with Corona19.

The patients were said to have been tested for blood again.

"I think there is no risk of corona19 virus spread because the sample container has not been broken," said Deheraz Razmirut, dean of medical school.

Another hospital official stressed, "There are no scientific studies showing that the Corona19 virus can spread through monkeys."

However, residents near the hospital complained of anxiety.

In the meantime, various types of animals worldwide have been confirmed corona19.

Earlier last month, four tigers and three African lions were confirmed at the Bronx Zoo in New York, USA, and the Dutch Minister of Agriculture also reported in the media recently that a dog and three cats were infected with Corona 19 in the country. The owners said they were suspected of being infected by their owners.

The total number of corona19 confirmed cases in India is 16,799, and the total number of deaths is 4,706.

(Photo = 'Hindustan Times' YouTube video capture)