While the Corona19 situation was not calming down, some Southeast Asian nations also had an emergency in prison.

Because there are too many inmates compared to prison space, Corona19 raises concerns about a massive infection.

According to local media and foreign media in the Philippines, 18 people, including nine inmates and nine prison officers, were confirmed in Metro Manila's Quezon City prison the day before.

In addition to these, 30 prison inmates are also known to be tested for suspected symptoms.

The Quezon City Prison was built 60 years ago and is said to have about 4,000 inmates in custody, although the capacity is 800.

Previously, 'inmate overcrowding' was a problem, but the problem became more serious as the number of inmates surged due to the war on crime after Rodrigo Duterte came to power.

In this regard, Phil Robertson, Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), an international human rights organization, said, "This shows why it is important to actively promote early release of sick and older prisoners as well as misdemeanor inmates." Said.

"The government needs to act urgently before it's too late to prevent the Corona 19 disaster in a prison full of prisoners," said Robertson.

Earlier, 23 Philippine prison inmates petitioned the Supreme Court on the 8th to temporarily release the prison, saying, "It is virtually impossible to keep social distances in overcrowded prisons.

The Myanmar government has sent an unprecedented number of inmates out of prison through the ambassadorial form.

On the 17th, Myanmar President Yun Min issued a pardon for 2,896 inmates in prisons and concentration camps across the country.

This is about a quarter of the 92,000 to 100,000 prisoners in prisons and prisons.Thailand, on the 15th, also considered the situation of Corona 19, and released some 8,000 prisoners, including misdemeanors and exemplary prisoners, to be suspended or commuted to relieve some of the overcrowding.

In Thailand, two prisoners and one prison guard at the time had been confirmed corona19. 

(Photo = Yonhap News / AFP, Bangkok Post Capture)