Shaima Abdullah

It is no longer a social matter, and the title "Doctor" disappeared from the public tongue as a sign of superiority and intelligence, and the matter became more like a soldier on the battlefront, he does not care if everyone applauded him, so in the end he faces death alone, and he stands alone waiting for the end word for a battle with disease, He escapes in it by himself and a drowning man who tries to save him or fall in front of successive defeats of a ruthless hidden virus.

Doctors and nurses all over the world are facing - and in a situation they have not seen before - an unfair war with weak capabilities, and the proven fact that they must stay for extended days in hospitals with patients struggling with the epidemic, along with the fear of returning to the parents and children for fear of infection, and a feeling of frustration in facing an enemy The whole world stands up to it in vain, and the feeling of responsibility remains with them, without the ability to abandon duty.

Face the unknown
In the Egyptian government hospital, the doctor, Islam al-Deeb, an infection control specialist, spends his days facing the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19), which has become more severe than his endurance, and more severe than he imagined, there is no room to pay attention to anything but to patients, and data of the Ministry of Health About the numbers of people infected with the virus.

The young doctor was not concerned with himself, as much as his fear of going home or meeting friends, until death came close to everything around him.

Al-Deeb says to Al-Jazeera Net that, about a month ago, he did not think of anything but illness. "I can no longer deal with anyone outside the medical department, most of our conversations about cases, what we see with our own eyes and what we read in the official data, I forget everything, except sterilization before Leave the hospital to return home. "

The state of attention that most states have given to doctors, from applause from the balconies, salutations of the army and police, and due financial grants, as well as the suspension of television broadcasts for 45 seconds, and the illumination of important tourist attractions in the name of the white army, are all things that did not bear fruit on the exhausted psychological state of doctors Most people spend their nights in hospitals, not interested in what happens outside of them, from suicide incidents for fear of infection, psychological breakdowns, an excessive feeling of guilt and negligence, and anticipation of the expected end.

A question that everyone forgot, for how long will the white army remain stationed, and for how long will its medical personnel endure all these psychological and nervous pressures, and how can they consistently confront the unknown?

The answer is not known by A.H., the doctor who exceeded thirty-five years, and he was about to join in the spring of 2020, but he was surprised that all of his plans collapsed, because the doctor who chose his specialty years ago as a specialist in chest diseases, did not know that the world would stand before him waiting Find a solution to protect millions, without telling them that treatment is still unseen.

"You have the right to tire" initiative to support the mental health of doctors in the Battle of Corona (Reuters)

A.H. is afraid to talk to the media, because he does not want more misfortunes to befall him, because all the bulletins that come to them in hospitals confirm the necessity of silence and not dealing with the media.

The young doctor says to Al Jazeera Net, "I don't know what our psychology means, despite all attempts to encourage, applause and good dealings from the state for us now, and everyone’s recognition of the importance of our presence as doctors, and that the world has other people who have importance no less than the army and police, we do not feel this Inside the hospital, we ask for a hot meal from a restaurant and they refuse to provide service in the hospital, or even at its door, or when you request the taxi service, the driver apologizes for fear of catching the infection. "

The young doctor is living with a condition called "anxiety disorder" in psychiatry, and he has to face the details of this case daily, with his fellow hospital doctors and nurses.

we are with you
A group of psychiatrists, who launched the "Time for Anxiety We Are With You" initiative, tried to provide support to those affected by the anxiety caused by the fear of corona, especially doctors and nursing staff.

"You have the right to tire," that was the first advice that the "We Are With You" initiative team provides to first-line doctors in the face of Corona, because the fear of showing fatigue is a pressure that must be faced and dealt with, as the initiative sent messages of reassurance and support to doctors that " Fatigue and collapse sometimes will not diminish the value of the heroic role played by medical personnel. "

Tips for doctors: express your anxiety and fears and share your story with your surroundings (Getty Images)

Protection guide
The psychiatrist Dr. Ahmed Abu Al-Wafa participated in preparing a guide for psychological protection for soldiers of the White Army, and he tells Al-Jazeera Net that the guide provides initial steps, which will be followed by a campaign directed at protecting the psychologists, in light of the pressures they face daily in the recent times:

1- Remember your basic needs

Food, drinking water, and sleeping enough hours, at least 6 hours, are things to keep under any pressure.

2- Smoking and caffeine

It may be difficult to stop smoking, tea, and coffee at this point, but excessive impairment of the body's ability to deal with stress, and will increase your nervousness with time.

3- Take time to rest

It may be difficult to take a break, but it is necessary to do your energy to do so, even with the simplest things, such as listening to music, walking lightly, or watching a funny video.

4- Talk to your colleagues

Express your fear and anxiety, connect, listen and share your story with your surroundings.

5- Evaluate yourself

Talk about your problems with your supervisor, focus on strengths and don't ignore weaknesses.

6- An error is possible

Acknowledge your responsibility for the mistake if it occurred, but do not be a hangman for yourself, and follow the new and useful information for your business, during the current crisis.

7- Ignore the communication sites

Don't get too much exposure to websites, use them wisely.

8- Connect with your family and friends

Just as you are worried about them, they are also worried about you, so exchanging friendliness supplies the energy we need to complete the path.

9- Respect diversity

Do not reduce the suffering of one of your colleagues, each of you has a way of dealing with pressure.

10- Watch your emotions

If you feel severe changes in your emotions, seek help from a psychologist.